We are a small Episcopal Church on the banks of the Rappahannock in Port Royal, Virginia. We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Port Royal, the Nandtaughtacund, and we respect and honor with gratitude the land itself, the legacy of the ancestors, and the life of the Rappahannock Tribe. Our mission statement is to do God’s Will in all that we do.

Portland Guitar, April 19 concert

They will be performing music written for two guitars at St. Peter’s, Friday, April 19 at 7pm as part of our annual concert series. (Reception 6:15pm in the Parish House.)

The concert is free but donations gratefully accepted for future concerts, held yearly since 2013. This is our 10th concert.

The Portland Guitar Duo are James Manuele and Foti Lycouridis and have been playing together since 1999.

Foti shared some of the details of the concert – “This time we will do a program of 19th century music on copies of period instruments. It will be mostly transcriptions of piano music of the period along with a few duets and solos written for guitar/guitars. We will also talk about the guitar history of that particular time. As performers and researchers we are very interested in music of other media that we can play on guitar, and piano music of that period has a very rich repertoire to draw from.”

Born in California, James Manuele began playing the guitar at age eleven. He earned his Bachelor of Music degree at Mansfield University, where he also studied voice and viola. Later, he earned his Masters of Music in Guitar Performance at Portland State University and has taught in colleges -Clark College in Vancouver and at Concordia in Portland.

Foti Lycouridis was born in Egypt of Greek parents. In 1981, he started his music education at the University of Portland. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Guitar Performance and a Master’s in Music Theory. He also can perform on a 10-string guitar and Baroque lute.

A. Here is a 3 minute summary of the Duo:
B. Live
1. Part 1 of a set for the Portland Community Media.
2. Part 2 of a set for the Portland Community Media.
3. “Miller’s Dance” by Manuel de Falla
4. At Oregon State University. “Spanish Dance no. 2 ‘Oriental'” by E. Granados”
5. “The Caprice” by Isaac Albeniz

Portland Guitar Duo – Web site

Holy Week Introduction

Various Holy Week links

Holy Week Summary

Holy Week between Palm Sunday and Easter is the most sacred time of year.. The purpose of Holy Week is to reenact, relive, and participate in the passion of Jesus Christ, his triumph, suffering and resurrection. Ultimately it’s about ours. From our Baptism liturgy- “We thank you, Father, for the water of Baptism. In it we are buried with Christ in his death. By it we share in his resurrection. Through it we are reborn by the Holy Spirit.” Every Sunday is an Easter.

From early times, Christians have observed the week before Easter as a time of special prayer and devotion. As the pilgrim Egeria recorded in the late fourth century, numerous pilgrims to the holy city of Jerusalem followed the path of Jesus in his last days. They formed processions, worshipped where Christ suffered and died, and venerated sacred sites and relics. The pilgrims took the customs home with them. Holy week observances spread to Spain by the fifth century, to Gaul and England by the early seventh century. They didn’t spread to Rome until the twelfth century. From this beginning evolved the practices we observe today on Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday.

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Holy Week – Day by Day

Holy Week – summary of the days


Palm Sunday

  • Jesus, at the Mount of Olives, sends two disciples to secure a donkey and a colt; makes his “triumphal entry” into Jerusalem; weeps over Jerusalem.
  • Jesus enters the temple area, then returns to Bethany.


  • On Monday morning Jesus and the Twelve leave Bethany to return to Jerusalem, and along the way Jesus curses the fig tree.
  • Jesus enters Jerusalem and clears the temple.
  • In the evening Jesus and the Twelve leave Jerusalem (returning to Bethany).


  • Jesus’ disciples see the withered fig tree on their return to Jerusalem from Bethany.
  • Jesus engages in conflict with the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem.
  • The Disciples marvel at the Temple.
  • Jesus delivers the Olivet Discourse (in which he predicts the future) on their return to Bethany from Jerusalem.

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Holy Week Services, 2024

Services online

Sunday, March 24, Palm Sunday, 10:50AM, Liturgy of the Palms, 11AM Eucharist

The St Peter’s congregation commemorates this triumphal entry into Jerusalem by gathering behind the church for the blessing of the palms and then processing to the front of the church, all the while shouting, ”Hosanna, Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord” and making a celebratory racket with various noise makers.

The service that follows carries the congregation on a whirlwind trip through the events of Holy Week, a summary of Jesus’ last days before being crucified.  The gospel ends with Jesus having been crucified and placed in a tomb which Pilate’s soldiers seal with a stone. 

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Sunday’s Links, March 24, 2024

Palm Sunday, March 24.

  • Web site
  • YouTube St. Peter’s Page for viewing services
  • Facebook St. Peter’s Page
  • Location – 823 Water Street, P. O. Box 399, Port Royal, Virginia 22535
  • Wed., March 20, Ecumenical Bible Study, Parish House, 10am-12pm  Reading Lectionary for Palm Sunday
  • Wed., March 20 – Village Harvest, 3pm-5pm All help is welcome for this vital St Peter’s ministry. Time of food pick up and unloading of food to be announced for earlier in the week and help will be needed
  • Wed., March 20, “The Creeds—a Guide to Deeper Faith”, 7pm. What does the Church have to say about The Holy Catholic Church, Baptism, Resurrection, Eternal Life Zoom link Meeting ID: 833 7014 5820 Passcode: 528834
  • Thurs., March 21, Confirmation Class continues, 7:30pm-8:15pm. Zoom link Meeting ID: 893 1712 7905 Passcode: 505603
  • Sunday, March 24, “God’s Garden”, 10:00am. They will be learning about Holy Week.’
  • Sunday, March 24, 10:45am. Liturgy of the Palms. Meet at the Parish House and process into the Church.
  • Servers, Palm Sunday, March 24, 11am. Liturgy of the Passion.
    Lector: Andrea Pogue
    Acolyte : Arthur Duke
    Chalice Bearer: Andrea Pogue
    Altar Clean up: B.J. Anderson
  • Wed., March 27, Ecumenical Bible Study, Parish House, 10am-12pm  Reading Lectionary for Easter
  • Wed., March 27, Tenebrae service, 7pm
    Lector: Elizabeth Heimbach
  • Thurs., March 28, Maundy Thursday, 7pm
    Lector: Cookie Davis
    Chalice Bearer: Alice Hughes
    Altar Clean up: Jan Saylor
  • Fri., March 29, Good Friday, 7pm
    Lector: Ben Hicks
  • Sun., March 31 Easter Sunday, 11:00am.
  • Servers, Easter Sunday, March 31, 11am
    Lector: Johnny Davis
    Acolyte: Arthur Duke
    Chalice Bearer:Johnny Davis
    Altar Clean up: Andrea Pogue
  • Coming up!

  • Portland Guitar Duo, April 19, 7pm

    1. The concert
    2. Help us advertise

  • Lenten Page

    Quick link to Feb, 2024 Lent Calendar
    Quick link to March, 2024 Lent Calendar

  • March., 2024 newsletter
  • All articles for Sunday, March 24, 2024
  • Recent Articles, March 24

    Palm Sunday, March 24
    God’s Garden, 10:00-11am
    Palm Sunday Introduction
    Lectionary, 11am service
    Visual Lectionary – Vanderbilt
    Setting – “We’re Going up to Jerussalem”
    Curry Sets the Scene
    Feelings and Emotions
    Palm Sunday Scenes
    Meanings, Path and Art of Palm Sunday
    Voices, Palm Sunday

    Holy Week
    Holy Week introduction
    Summary of the days
    Why was Jesus killed?
    Holy Week services
    Holy Week Day by Day
    Tenebrae, March 27
    Maundy Thursday, March 28
    Good Friday, March 29
    Good Friday is essential
    Easter Voices, Year B
    Easter Year B
    Easter Commentary

    Portland Guitar Duo at St. Peter’s
    Help us advertise the concert!
    Past Concerts at St. Peter’s

    Village Harvest, March, 2024
    Village Harvest, Feb., 2024

    Creed Class, March 20 – Conclusion
    Creeds class, March 13 – Holy Spirit
    Creeds class, March 6 – Jesus
    Creeds class, Feb. 28- God
    Creeds class, Feb. 21
    Lenten Study – The Creeds

    God’s Garden- “Resurrection Eggs”
    God’s Garden – Holy Week
    God’s Garden – “Let the Children come to me”
    God’s Garden – Making pretzels
    God’s Garden- Learning the Lord’s Prayer
    God’s Garden – The Alleluia Banner, Part 2
    The Alleluia Banner, Part 1

    Discretionary Fund donations Feb. 11

    Sacred Ground, Jan., 2024
    Sacred Ground, Feb., 2024

    God’s Garden – Palm Sunday to Easter

    This week was the culmination of the Lenten part of God’s Garden. They reviewed the Palm Sunday story which they had heard earlier. They made beaded crosses to hang around their necks. Finally, after working on the Lord’s Prayer with hand movements earlier in Lent they presented their work to the congregation today on Palm Sunday, March 24,2024

    1. Reviewing the story on Palm Sunday

    2. Creating crosses

    3. Reciting the Lord’s Prayer – Palm Sunday in Church

    Videos, Palm Sunday, March 24, 2024

    00 Liturgy of the Palms

    00 Congregation

    01 Opening Hymn – “All Glory, Laud, and Honor “

    02 Readings

    03 Epistle -“Let the Same Mind Be in You”

    03 Epistle -“Let the Same Mind Be in You” – Gallery level

    04 Hymn-“Were you there”

    05 Gospel- Passion Reading

    06 Sermon

    07 Prayers of the People

    08 Announcements

    09 Offertory

    10 Communion

    11 Closing Hymn-“Alone thou goest forth, O Lord”

    Sermon, Palm Sunday, March 24, 2024

    Mark 15:33-47

    Jesus tomb in the Edicule within the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem

    What a devastating ending for a man who had brought abundance, healing, and hope to so many.  The twelve disciples, overwhelmed and full of fear, had deserted Jesus.  They did not even reappear to claim the body of their leader as the disciples of John the Baptist had done for him. 

    The disciples must have sadly said to themselves the same thing that the chief priests and the scribes so mockingly taunted Jesus with as he was dying on the cross.  “Let the Messiah, the King of Israel, come down from the cross now, so that we may see and believe.”  Why did Jesus accept death on a cross? 

    Read more

    Sunday’s Thoughts – March 24, 2024

    An article in the 2024 edition of Living Well Through Lentpiqued my interest. It is about the bystanders on Palm Sunday and written by Victoria Garvey.

    Many of the characters in the Palm Sunday Liturgy we know well- Pilate, Jesus, Peter, Judas, Barabbas, Mary Magdalene. We don’t see any such leaders in the “crowd.” Garvey writes “Only after Jesus’ arrest does the tide turn, and the “crowd” moves from support to condemnation because they listened to loud voices muttering fake news, because they were afraid to be counted among the risk-takers, because they feared losing hold of their own tenuous grasp of what was deemed acceptable behavior by their contemporaries. Over and over, we are reminded that even those closest to Jesus during his ministry are capable of turning way, of betrayal and cowardice.”

    This sounds like today. We listen to the loudest voices, not necessarily those who makes the most sense. We tend to be timid over confrontation. And then there is the issue of fake news. We don’t analyze what we hear and assume those who speak or write have facts and/or reality on their side.

    Bishop Robert Wright of the Diocese of Atlanta in his message prior to Palm Sunday considers that we prefer a Jesus who looks at issues in particular ways, particularly those we on which we agree. Facts and logic may not have been applied.

    “The rise of Christian nationalism in our nation is us crying out “crucify him” because Jesus chooses to be Messiah in a particular way: unbought by any political party and unbiased toward race, gender or country of origin. Biased only towards sharing and healing those in pain. It seems we prefer a Jesus who votes as we vote, lives where we live and who hates who we hate.

    Bishop Curry sets the scene for Palm Sunday

    Easter 2017 Message

    “It’s taken me some years to realize it, but Jesus didn’t just happen to be in Jerusalem on that first Palm Sunday. He wasn’t on vacation. He wasn’t just hanging out in town. Jesus was in Jerusalem on purpose. He arrived in Jerusalem about the time of the Passover when pilgrims were in the city. When people’s hopes and expectations for the dawn of freedom that Moses had promised in the first Passover might suddenly be realized for them in their time.

    “Jesus arranged his entrance into Jerusalem to send a message. He entered the city, having come in on one side of the city, the scholars tell us, at just about the same time that Pontius Pilate made his entrance on the exact opposite side of the city. Pilate, coming forth on a warhorse. Pilate, with soldiers around him. Pilate, with the insignias of Rome’s Empire. Pilate, representing the Caesars who claimed to be son of god. Pilate, who had conquered through Rome the people of Jerusalem. Pilate, representing the Empire that had taken away their freedom. Pilate, who represented the Empire that would maintain the colonial status of the Jewish people by brute force and violence.

    “Jesus entered the city on the other side, not on a warhorse, but on a donkey, recalling the words of Zechariah:

    Behold your King comes to you
    Triumphant and victorious is He
    Humble and riding on a donkey

    “Jesus entered the city at the same time as Pilate to show them, and to show us, that God has another way. That violence is not the way. That hatred is not the way. That brute force and brutality are not the way.

    “Jesus came to show us there is another way. The way of unselfish, sacrificial love. That’s why he entered Jerusalem. That’s why he went to the cross. It was the power of that love poured out from the throne of God, that even after the horror of the crucifixion would raise him from death to life.

    “God came among us in the person of Jesus to start a movement. A movement to change the face of the earth. A movement to change us who dwell upon the earth. A movement to change the creation from the nightmare that is often made of it into the dream that God intends for it.

    “He didn’t just happen to be in Jerusalem on that Palm Sunday. He went to Jerusalem for a reason. To send a message. That not even the titanic powers of death can stop the love of God.  On that Easter morning, he rose from the dead, and proclaimed love wins.

    “So you have a blessed Easter. Go forth to be people of the Resurrection. Follow in the way of Jesus. Don’t be ashamed to love. Don’t be ashamed to follow Jesus.

    “Have a blessed Easter.  And bless the world.  Amen.”

    The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry
    Presiding Bishop and Primate
    The Episcopal Church

    Bishop Curry’s Easter Message 2017 provides a stirring message to set the scene at Palm Sunday.

     The arrival in Jerusalem is the culmination of Gospel readings since Epiphany. In Luke 9:51 Jesus “sets his face to go to Jerusalem” and concludes nearly ten chapters later (19:27) with Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem.

    Curry – “He didn’t just happen to be in Jerusalem on that Palm Sunday. He went to Jerusalem for a reason. To send a message. That not even the titanic powers of death can stop the love of God. On that Easter morning, he rose from the dead, and proclaimed love wins.”

    The scholars he mentions are probably Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan whose book “The Last Week” is a day-by-day accounting of Holy Week. We will feature selections from the book next week. In their book, Palm Sunday was the collision of 2 kingdoms – one based in Rome and one based with Jesus with differing value systems.

    Lectionary, Palm Sunday, Year B

     Lectionary, Palm Sunday

    I.Theme –   "Strength is concealed in humility, pain is hidden in triumph, victory, in defeat, life, in death, God, in human form" -Diedrik Nelson


    "Palm Sunday" – Giotto (1305-06)     "Betrayal & Arrest of Christ" – Fra Angelico (1450)

    The lectionary readings are here or individually: 

    Old Testament – Isaiah 50:4-9a
    Psalm – Psalm 31:9-16 Page 623, BCP 
    Epistle –Philippians 2:5-11 
    Gospel – Mark 14:1-15:47 

    "Borg and Crossan (The Last Week: What the Gospels Really Teach About Jesus’s Final Days in Jerusalem) imagine not one but two political processions entering Jerusalem that Friday morning in the spring of AD 30. In a bold parody of imperial politics, king Jesus descended the Mount of Olives into Jerusalem from the east in fulfillment of Zechariah’s ancient prophecy: "Look, your king is coming to you, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey" (Matthew 21:5 = Zechariah 9:9). From the west, the Roman governor Pilate entered Jerusalem with all the pomp of state power. Pilate’s brigades showcased Rome’s military might, power and glory. Jesus’ triumphal entry, by stark contrast, was an anti-imperial and anti-triumphal "counter-procession" of peasants that proclaimed an alternate and subversive community that for three years he had called "the kingdom of God."

    This week has two liturgies – Liturgy of the Palms and Liturgy of the Passon.

    "The church is called to reckon with paradox on this week: triumph and rejection, death and rebirth." So writes Melinda Quivik in Working Preacher. The week begins with Jesus triumphant arrival and by the end of the week he is killed.  Next week we trace the path day by day.  God is sacrificed by those he brings life. 

    "Strength is concealed in humility, pain is hidden in triumph, victory, in defeat, life, in death, God, in human form" -Diedrik Nelson 

    The theme is established by the first lesson. The servant is disciplined by suffering so he may bring strength and refreshment to the oppressed, but there are those who oppose him. Willingly he submits to those who torture and humiliate him. But God is his helper, so he is not disgraced or shamed. God vindicates him, no one can convict him.

    The servant willingly suffers humiliation at the hands of his adversaries. He is not disgraced or put to shame because Yahweh vindicates him and helps him; no one can declare him guilty.

    The servant of the Lord is opposed (Isaiah), is obedient to death (Philippians). He is betrayed, tortured and crucified by those who should have listened to him, and is recognized as Son of God by a centurion (Matthew). He will be vindicated (Isaiah), exalted by God (Philippians), and honored by the unexpected (Matthew).

    The Passion story in Mark can be broken down in the following scenes:

    The Passion story in Mark can be broken down in the following scenes:

    1. Mark 14:1-11 extravagant love 
    2. Mark 14:12-21 passover preparation 
    3. Mark 14:22-25 Jesus’ last supper
    4. Mark 14:26-42 agony in the garden 
    5. Mark 14:43-52 Jesus’ arrest  
    6. Mark 14:53-72 Jesus’ trial, Peter’s denial
    7. Mark 15:1-20 Jesus before Pilate 
    8. Mark 15:21-32 Jesus crucified 
    9. Mark 15:33-41 Jesus’ death  
    10. Mark 15:42-47 Jesus’ burial 

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