The Ascension is the beginning of the church’s mission.
1. It is powered by the Spirit
2. It is a call to be witnesses
3. It is worldwide is scope
The Ascension holds the promise of Christ’s return.
WHAT? What Happened to Jesus.
A. He ascended to a place invisible to the mortal eye
1. Acts 1:9 “A cloud received him out of their sight”
2. He did not go up into some mountain that was covered with clouds as some men have speculated.
B. Luke 24:51 “And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he was parted from them, and carried up into heaven.”
1. He is on the right hand of God
2. I Peter 3:22 “Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto Him.”
Where is heaven ? When the early church confessed that Jesus had ascended into heaven, the emphasis was not so much on a place – the emphasis was on God’s immediate presence. The church was confessing that Jesus had entered into the divine glory – that the risen Jesus now dwelt in the immediate presence of God. This may explain the meaning of the phrase, "a cloud took him out of their sight" (Acts 1:9). Oftentimes in scripture, a cloud represents the shekinah glory of God, the sign of God’s presence (cf. Exo. 33:7-11; Mark 9:7).