We are a small Episcopal Church on the banks of the Rappahannock in Port Royal, Virginia. We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Port Royal, the Nandtaughtacund, and we respect and honor with gratitude the land itself, the legacy of the ancestors, and the life of the Rappahannock Tribe. Our mission statement is to do God’s Will in all that we do.

Ascension Week

  • Web site
  • YouTube St. Peter’s Page for viewing services
  • Facebook St. Peter’s Page

  • John Singleton Copley – “The Ascension”

  • The Psalms study Mon, May 15, 7:00pm Zoom link Meeting ID: 879 7169 4710 Passcode: 803192 Studying Psalms 19,20,21,24,25. Please join us for this hour’s discussion
  • Ecumenical Bible Study, Wed., May 17, 10am-12pm, Parish House Reading Lectionary for May 21,
  • Village Harvest, Wed., May 17, 3pm-5pm. Please email Andrea to volunteer at wakepogue.public@gmail.com, or (540) 847-9002. Pack bags 1-3PM, Deliver food to clients’ cars 3-5PM.
  • Thurs., May 18, The Ascension. Regional Ascension Service at St George’s, 7PM
  • Fri., May 19, Shred-It. Truck will be at St. Peter’s at 11am.
  • Sun. May 21, 2023, 11am Holy Eucharist, St. Peter’s Live and on YouTube 823 Water St. Port Royal, VA 22535
  • Lectionary for May 21, 2023, Seventh Sunday in Easter, Seventh Sunday in Easter, Rogation Sunday

  • Coming up!

  • Sun., May 14, UTO Boxes distribution
  • Mon., May 15, 187th Anniversary of St. Peter’s
  • Ecumenical Bible Study, Wed., May 17, 10am-12pm, Parish House Reading Lectionary for May 21,
  • Wed., May 17, Village Harvest, 3PM – 5pm
  • Thurs., May 18, Vestry, 2PM
  • Thurs., May 18, Regional Ascension Service at St George’s, 7PM
  • Shred-It. is scheduled for Fri. May 19, 10:40 AM.

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  • May, 2023 Newsletter
  • All articles for Sunday, May 14, 2023
  • All articles for Rogation
  • All articles for Mother’s Day
  • All articles for Ascension