We are a small Episcopal Church on the banks of the Rappahannock in Port Royal, Virginia. We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Port Royal, the Nandtaughtacund, and we respect and honor with gratitude the land itself, the legacy of the ancestors, and the life of the Rappahannock Tribe. Our mission statement is to do God’s Will in all that we do.

The Gospel in June, 2024

We are back to Mark! In May the readings were from the Gospel of John as it explored the effects of the Resurrection, the roles of the disciples and their relationship to Jesus. This month explores the challenges to Jesus  with the Pharisees, with the disciples and even from his own family.  Jesus is not on the defensive –  these stories help enlarge the concept of the Kingdom of God.

June 2 – 2nd Sunday after Pentecost -Mark 2:23-3:6

Sometimes rules and regulations can get in the way of our mission. The connection this week is in the role of the Sabbath. Jesus’ operating principle is that the Sabbath ( and the law and the rituals of holiness) was created for humanity, and not the other way around. ’ In that sense, God is chiefly known as love and the laws and purity rituals are for humanity’s own good.  The alternate theology is that for humans have to achieve a certain level of holiness – through following laws or practicing purity rituals – to be acceptable to God.  That’s the focus on the Pharisees whose religion had deteriorated into rules, regulations and rituals..

To make His point still further, Jesus goes into the synagogue and brings a man with a withered arm into the middle of the gathering. Then, He asks the simple question – is it against the law to do good on the Sabbath – or to save a life? Needless to say, His critics have no answer. Jesus has an answer – he heals the man. Mark’s  description of healings were important  – they were signs that the Kingdom of God was at hand

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St. Peter’s Wildflowers

“You belong among the wildflowers You belong in a boat out at sea Sail away, kill off the hours You belong somewhere you feel free” – Tom Petty

These pictures were originally taken 3 Mays ago plenty of sunshine with a warming trend.The date was May 2, 2021. Time to look for some wildflowers beneath our feet…

Ajuga. Also known as carpet bugleweed. This plant quickly fills in empty areas, smothering out weeds while adding exceptional foliage color and blooms. It’s also good for erosion control. The flowers of bugleweed are normally bluish to purple but they can be found in white as well.

Geraniums and Cranesbills are perennial plants that belong to the genus Geranium and thrive in temperate climates with cool summers and cool summer nights. They are generally easy to grow and constantly bloom over the season from spring to fall though they require well drained and moist soil.

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Track 1 or 2 ?

During Ordinary Time there are two possible tracts or Old Testament, Psalm and Epistle Readings:

Track 1 – Old Testament in Order. In Year B we begin with 1 Samuel.

Track 2 – Themes Old Testament in line with the other reading. It follows the Roman Catholic tradition of thematically pairing the Old Testament reading with the Gospel reading, often typologically—a sort of foretelling of Jesus Christ’s life and ministry. We use Track 2 at St. Peter’s.

Anything but Ordinary! Ordinary Time

Ordinary TimeBeginning on Pentecost 2, we enter the Church year known as Ordinary Time. After Easter, Jesus’s ascension into heaven, and the coming of the Holy Spirit to us at Pentecost, we accept responsibility for being and becoming Christ’s body in the world. We are called by Jesus to live in community, our lives together guided not only by the example of Jesus, but by the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Basically, Ordinary Time encompasses that part of the Christian year that does not fall within the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, or Easter. Ordinary Time is anything but ordinary. According to The General Norms for the Liturgical Year and the Calendar, the days of Ordinary Time, especially the Sundays, “are devoted to the mystery of Christ in all its aspects.” We continue our trek through the both the Gospels of Luke and John- through parables challenges, healings – some great stories and teachings.  

Vestments are usually green, the color of hope and growth. Green has long been associated with new life and growth. Even in Hebrew in the Old Testament, the same word for the color “green” also means “young.” The green of this season speaks to us as a reminder that it is in the midst of ordinary time that we are given the opportunity to grow. 

Ordinary Time, from the word “ordinal,” simply means counted time (First Sunday after Pentecost, etc.). we number the Sundays from here on out in order from the First Sunday after Pentecost, all the way up to the Last Sunday after Pentecost The term “ordinary time” is not used in the Prayer Book, but the season after Pentecost can be considered ordinary. 

The Church counts the thirty-three or thirty-four Sundays of Ordinary Time, inviting her children to meditate upon the whole mystery of Christ – his life, miracles and teachings – in the light of his Resurrection.

You may see Sundays referred to as “Propers”. The Propers are readings for Ordinary Time following Epiphany and Pentecost, numbered to help establish a seven day range of dates on which they can occur. Propers numbering in the Revised Common Lectionary begins with the Sixth Sunday in Epiphany, excludes Sundays in Lent through Pentecost and Trinity Sunday, and resumes the Second Sunday after Pentecost (the first Sunday after Pentecost is Trinity Sunday), usually with Proper 4. 

In some ways, it might be right to think of this time as “ordinary”, common or mundane. Because this is the usual time in the church, the time that is not marked by a constant stream of high points and low points, ups and downs, but is instead the normal, day-in, day-out life of the church. This time is a time to grapple with the nuts and bolts of our faith, not coasting on the joy and elation of Christmas, or wallowing in the penitential feel of Lent, but instead just being exactly where we are, and trying to live our faith in that moment.  

It is a reminder of the presence of God in and through the most mundane and ordinary seasons of our lives. . It is a reminder that when God came and lived among us in the person of Jesus Christ, he experienced the same ordinary reality that we all experience. And that God, in Christ, offered us the opportunity to transform the most ordinary, mundane experiences into extraordinary events infused with the presence of God. God is there, present in the midst of the ordinary, just waiting for us to recognize it.  

Only when the hustle and bustle of Advent, Easter, and Lent has calmed down can we really focus on what it means to live and grow as Christians in this ordinary time in this ordinary world. It is a time to nurture our faith with opportunities for fellowship and reflection. It is a time to feed and water our faith with chances for education and personal study. It is a time to weed and prune our faith, cutting off the parts that may be dead and leaving them behind. And we have a lot of growing to do, so God has given us most of the church year in which to do it.  

Sacred Ground meeting, May 30, 2024

7 on Zoom call

The meeting opened with prayer. 

Catherine talked about how grateful she has been that we’ve had the opportunity to work together to address the issues around racism in our own lives, in our church, and in our nation.   We’ve worked hard and not only learned a lot, but also done some specific things to address racial injustice.   


  1. Scholarship

Email from Germanna – Jessica Thompson – copied below. Funds delivered for 3 students to obtain a  commercial drivers certificate.  They completed the training and are in the workforce

Dear Andrea and the Sacred Ground Committee,

 We are truly grateful for your generous donation of $2,700 to support three students at Germanna in obtaining their Commercial Driver’s License Class A Truck Driver training credentials. We are pleased to report that each student successfully completed the training and is now entering the workforce in our area. One student wrote, “I would like to thank them for supporting people like me who are working full-time while trying to get a better education and build a future for myself and my family. “

 As a reminder, these are the three students that your contributions helped:

Devonte B.

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Shred-It, June 12, 2024, 1:30pm

Above – From Left to right, top to bottom – 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2022

Shred-it is an essential ministry because it involves a number of people around a common necessary task that is best accomplished by professionals.

Why support Shred-It?

1. For you. Shred-it’s goal is to safely dispose of records no longer needed. It may be old Tax returns, bank statements, investment records,  any expired document etc.   They lie around gathering dust and may contain personal information that needs to be kept secured even if the records are no longer pertinent or useful. For obvious reasons we don’t want to put them in the regular trash or even recycling bin. Dispose of sensitive documents safely and securely, and free up needed space at home or work.

2. There is also the environmental benefit for having these documents shred rather than lying in  some landfill. A majority of people in the US still sends their trash to the dump. Harmful chemicals and greenhouse gases are released from rubbish in landfill sites. Recycling helps to reduce the pollution caused by waste.

3. Fellowship Shred-it is a fellowship event as well that goes beyond the church. It is a community event  We get to see people who come around once a year from the community. We might ask “What’s new ? How has your life changed over the year ? Have you seen so and so from the neighborhood” and then .”Thanks for contributing to St. Peter’s ministries.” Andrea usually had food to encourage the fellowship.

It is also a time to remember those no longer part of our lives whether due to relocation, sickness, death  or some other reason. It is another event that is part of the scrapbook of our lives.

4. For the church. It is also a fundraiser for our outreach ministries.  The funds we earn less the cost of the Shred-it truck helps our outreach ministries, such as the Village Harvest food distribution, which plows funds back into the Port Royal community. We have netted $2,875 over the last 11 years for outreach ministries.

5. Finally, Shred-it is another opportunity to thank Andrea Pogue who came up with the idea and has organized it since.   For all these reasons here it is a great ministry!

So I am encouraging you to check your valuable records, stuff that needs to go that you don’t want to entrust with your regular garbage or recycling services and plan to bring it to St. Peter’s on June 12 to let the professionals dispose of it securely.  Publicize it to your friends!

Sermon, Second Sunday after Pentecost, June 2, 2024 – “Treasure in Clay Jars”

2 Corinthians 4:5-12

We do not proclaim ourselves; we proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and ourselves as your slaves for Jesus’ sake.  For it is the God who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” 

But we have this treasure in clay jars, so that it may be made clear that this extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us. 

Paul makes our work and our joy as Christians crystal clear! 

Get out there and be the light!  God shines in our hearts, for we have seen Jesus, and we are children of God’s light. 

“Let there be light,” God said at the beginning of creation. 

This is our prayer, new every morning. 

“God, let there be light, your light,  in my life today! And let your glorious light shine through me.”

But then Paul, ever the realist, continues by saying… BUT……

We have this treasure in clay jars.

So let’s do a little experiment.  I need a helper. 

Turn on this flashlight and put it inside this jar.  Now we’ll put the lid on. 

Can you see the light?  Yes, it shines right through the glass. 

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Sunday Links, June 2, 2024

Second Sunday After Pentecost June 2, 11am

  • Web site
  • YouTube St. Peter’s Page for viewing services
  • Facebook St. Peter’s Page
  • Instagram St. Peter’s Page
  • Location – 823 Water Street, P. O. Box 399, Port Royal, Virginia 22535
  • Staff and Vestry
  • Wed., May 29, Ecumenical Bible Study, Parish House, 10am-12pm  Reading Lectionary for Second Sunday after Pentecost
  • Thurs., May 30, Sacred Ground, 7PM on Zoom Meeting ID: 836 3707 5049 Passcode: 345258
  • Sunday, June 2, 9:30am–We welcome The Rev Shirley Smith Graham, the Diocesan Transitions Minister, to St Peter’s to talk about the search for a new priest.
  • Servers, June 2, 11am
    Lector: Linda Kramer
    Acolyte:Arthur Duke
    Chalice Bearer: Andrea Pogue
    Altar Clean up: Jan Saylor
  • Sun., June 2, 12pm, Coffee Hour
  • Wed., June 5, Ecumenical Bible Study, Parish House, 10am-12pm  Reading Lectionary for the Third Sunday after Pentecost, June 9, Track 2
  • Coming up!

  • Shred-It, Wed., June 12, 1:30pm
  • April newsletter
  • All articles for Sunday, June 2, 2024
  • Recent Articles, June 2, 2024, The Second Sunday after the Pentecost

    Second Sunday after Pentecost, June 2
    Lectionary, May 26, 11am service
    Gospel in June, 2024
    Track 1 or 2?
    Anything but Ordinary! Ordinary Time
    Visual lectionary from Vanderbilt
    St. Peter’s Wildflowers
    Scripture on the Screen
    Celebrating the Rappahannock River

    Last Sunday March 26, Trinity Sunday

    Thy Kingdom Come
    St. Peter’s Anniversary
    Chancellor Village Photos and sermon, May 14
    Chancellor’s Village Sermon, April 23
    Foundations of an African-American Community
    Sacred Ground, May, 2024
    Sacred Ground, Feb., 2024
    Sacred Ground, Jan., 2024

    St. Peter’s and the Earth
    Team Up to clean up event, April 20
    ECM Maintenance, May 11
    June newsletter
    May newsletter
    ECW Chair change
    ECW Spring meeting, April 9
    Breakfast program in Jamaica

    Portland Guitar Duo at St. Peter’s, April 19, 2024

    Village Harvest, May 2024
    Village Harvest, April, 2024
    Village Harvest, March, 2024
    Village Harvest, Feb., 2024

    Creeds class notes 5 sessions- Conclusion

    God’s Garden collection

    Lectionary, Pentecost 2, Proper 4, June 2, 2024

    I. Theme –  The role of the sabbath

    Withered Hand

    The lectionary readings are here  or individually: 

    Old Testament – Deuteronomy 5:12-15
    Psalm – Psalm 81:1-10
    Epistle –2 Corinthians 4:5-12
    Gospel – Mark 2:23-3:6  

    II. Summary

    Three eco-theological themes are readily identifiable this week:

    1) Sabbath rest is commanded not only for humans but also for animals, and even for the earth (see also Leviticus 25:1-7);

    2) Blessing and salvation are cast in the imagery of an abundance of harvest and good food in the Psalm; and

    3) God is pleased to place the glory of Christ in “earthen vessels.”

    The word “Sabbath” comes from the Hebrew verb “sabat,” meaning “to rest.” God gave His people a day of rest – in part for a needed day off from their labors, in part so they would have time to worship Him. God knows what we need: Rest for our bodies and spiritual fuel to keep us going the rest of the week.

    We have both parts to us: St. Paul compares our bodies to “clay jars” that, incongruously, contain “this extraordinary power (that) belongs to God and does not come from us.” (2 Corinthians 4:7) So God gives the command to observe a weekly Sabbath – a day of physical rest and spiritual renewal – because we need it!!

    Then Jesus said to them, “The Sabbath was made for humankind, and not humankind for the Sabbath.” – Mark 2:27

    But people being what they are, over the centuries, God’s faithful folk created a very rigid structure with a lot of rules around Sabbath rest. Well, how can you follow God’s commandment if you don’t know what the rules are, right? The Pharisees’ religion had deteriorated into rules, regulations and rituals..

    So then Jesus comes along and shakes everything up, curing a man with a withered hand, on a Sabbath, right there in the synagogue!! The good, upright, God-fearing religious authorities were aghast – because curing is, well, work. Jesus knew just what they were thinking, so he challenges them: “Do our rules allow us to do good for someone who needs help on the Sabbath? To save a life, perhaps?” And when the religious authorities can’t answer him, Jesus “was grieved at their hardness of heart.”

    Jesus’ operating principle is that the Sabbath ( and the law and the rituals of holiness) was created for humanity, and not the other way around. ’

    To make His point still further, Jesus goes into the synagogue and brings a man with a withered arm into the middle of the gathering. Then, He asks the simple question – is it against the law to do good on the Sabbath – or to save a life? Needless to say, His critics have no answer. Jesus has an answer – he heals the man. Mark’s description of healings were important – they were signs that the Kingdom of God was at hand.

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    Choose! From the Diocese of Atlanta – (Gospel, June 2 Mark 2:23-3:6)

    Gospel reading June 2

    “Jesus chose people. When at the intersection of people’s needs and religious rule keeping, Jesus chose people. When he saw members of his faith community choose traditions and proclamations over human need, he called it “hard heartedness” and it “grieved him.” For Jesus, relieving human suffering was worship!

    “For Jesus, religious and political structures exist to affirm human dignity and deliver mercy. When this ceases to be so, our spirituality is malformed and our witness to the nations is diminished.

    “What must Jesus think today as he watches people who identify as his followers vilify asylum seekers, immigrants and the poor at Saturday rallies, be indifferent to their needs on Sunday and benefit from their labor Monday through Friday?”

    – Bishop Rob Wright

    From the SALT blog – “According to Mark, the first day of Jesus’ ministry was a sabbath day. He begins by teaching “with authority” in the synagogue; then heals a man possessed by an unclean spirit; and then heals Peter’s mother-in-law of a fever. Taken as a whole, this first day prefigures major themes — healing, restoration, hope — that will feature at the heart of Jesus’ ministry. But the fact that he does all of this on a sabbath day reveals yet another key focus of his work: as a rabbi and reformer, Jesus is especially concerned with protecting religious life from abuse and distortion. Religious practices are not ends in themselves, or standards people must follow in order to be righteous. Rather, Jesus contends, the whole point of practices like sabbath keeping is to help foster healthy forms of life.”

    Scripture on the Screen

    Two online shows,  both educational and entertaining  in how they cover the scriptures, are generating substantial and devoted audiences.

    The oldest show is “Drive Thru History” (DTH). Since we are in Eastertide, they have a program “Acts to Revelation”, basically the New Testament beyond the Gospels that is relevant to this season. It is in 18 episodes, each 25 minutes or so. 

    Dave Stotts is the host and is a seminary graduate.   He writes “At Drive Thru History® (https://www.drivethruadventures.com/ ), we think history education should be culturally engaging, fact-filled, and super fun.  That’s why for the last 15 years, I’ve traveled the world to share history on location. We call it ‘Adventure Learning’.” The photography is excellent and the scenery can be breathtaking.  He also has a sense of  humor.

    In this series, using a Land Rover, he will take you to sites such as the Upper Room and Solomon’s Gate in Jerusalem as well as Paul’s birthplace of Tarsus, now in Turkey and the road to Damascus where Paul  “saw the light” and moved from a persecutor of Christians to a leader that would undertake missionary trips in support of Christianity. Scripture leaps off the page in this series and you can hear it and see where it took place. Stott quotes scripture but links it together into a story. It flows together well.

    You can see portion of all the 18 episodes  here through amazon – amzn.to/3vJFuwu. DTH  is only one series of many they have done.  

    The second show is “The Chosen”, about the life of Jesus. Several parishioners are following the series. 

    From Prime Video- “The focus does not center just on Jesus but also the  Apostles such as Peter and Andrew and also who followed him at distance, including Nicodemus.” The reviews have been positive based on the acting and their approach to the Gospels.

    From VOX – “Issues that plague the modern Christian church get their fair share of attention in the series. Poverty is a constant reality for the disciples and most people they meet. Multiple episodes focus on the racial tension between the Jews and Samaritans with Jesus roundly castigating his followers for their own prejudice.”

    But is it accurate ? Here is “The Chosen’s” response – “The Chosen is based on the true stories of the Gospels of Jesus Christ. Some locations and timelines have been combined or condensed. Backstories and some characters or dialog have been added. However, all the bible and historical context and any artistic imagination are designed to support the truth and intention of the Scriptures. “

    Most people who have seen one of these episodes get instantly hooked. The quality of the acting and dialogue are superb.  Here is an interview with some of the actors and actresses

    The entire story is in 7 seasons. 3 seasons have been completed and released and season 4 is on tap to be released. As of April 11, filming has begun on season 5, 68 days of filming in Utah dealing with Holy Week.

    So where was Season 4 ? They had issues with Angel Studios, the original distributor of the series on the terms of their contract and they submitted the dispute to an arbitrator which voided the contract. The Chosen believed the contract had been breached.

    The release for season 4 has been on hold since March, 2024 but will be released on Sundays, beginning June 2, 7pm and then the next episode on Thursdays at 8:30pm. This pattern will be repeated in future weeks.

    There are four ways to watch the Chosen:

    1. Livestream from the Chosen website
    2. Social media pages
    A. @TheChosenSeries – YouTube
    B. InsideTheChosen – Facebook
    C. @thechosentvseries – Instagram
    D. @thechosentv – Twitter
    E. @thechosentv – TikTok

    3. Chosen app in the AppstoresApple and Google Playstore They recommend updating your Chosen app on your device.

    4. Buy the DVD in their gift store

    It will eventually be available on Apple TV, Google TV, Fire TV and Roku.

    Other Links

  • Web site
  • Educational – For discussion groups for Season 4, guides are available
  • All About “The History Page”

    Water Street – unknown date, possibly 1930’s. St. Peter’s on the left

    This is an “old-new page” on the website at https://news.churchsp.org

    Much of the history content was available until 2018 when this was a change in web databases. Due to the time spent in the process of transferring data, the history portions were left out until a later time to work on this section. That later time is now!

    The History Page is available at   https://news.churchsp.org/the-history-page-2/.  Online, the menu with this page is in the header of the website at the top.

    These are the current sections:

    1. General History, including facilities
    2. Photo collections
    3. Writings by Rectors
    4. Vestry Minutes 19th century
    5. Highlights by year 2013-2024
    6. Annual Parish Meetings 2011-2024

    The latter two sections are new.

    Sunday’s Thoughts, June 2, 2024

    A lovely collect this Sunday was a good start – “On this day of rest and gladness, we praise you, God of creation, for the dignity of work and the joy of play, for the challenge of witness and the invitation to delight at your table. Renew our hearts through your sabbath rest, that we might be refreshed to continue in your work of restoring the world to wholeness. Amen”

    It is all about energy – work, play, witness, renewal and restoration.

    This sense of energy carried through to the blessing-
    “May the light of God illumine the heart of our souls.
    May the flame of Christ kindle us to love.
    May the fire of the Spirit free us to live.
    This day, and forever more.”

    We had the Rev. Shirley Smith Graham to talk to the congregation about the transition, planning and next steps. Johnny and the Vestry are handling this.

    The sermon use the clay pots metaphor to illustrate Paul’s reading from Corinthians – “We have this treasure in clay jars.” In one case light can shine through and another it cannot. This was acted out by three children helpers. It provided examples of how St. Peter’s lets light shine through – the Village Harvest distributing food, the Jamaica project providing educational materials, the work with other organizations in the area including the schools, Sacred Ground providing scholarships.

    We had another one coming up this month in June. Some of the best ministries are home grown and we have Shred-It that is a combination of fellowship, ecological goodness and outreach. On June 12, 1:30pm bring your documents to the church to be securely shred. Enjoy the fellowship with neighbors. Make a monetary contribution to St. Peter’s outreach for keeping your documents safe, secure and out of the landfill.

    “Only God could give this small church the power to accomplish these things. God’s power works in us so that God’s glory can shine out through us.”

    A nod to the transition – We are going to get broken in this life and suffer “big and and little deaths”. But these can be beneficial ” Change cracks us open so that new light and life can flow in and then back out into the world. Churches in transition are in the process of dying to what has been so that they can be open to the new life that will be, new life and light that they can then pour out into the world.”

    Paul had the last word in the sermon – “Paul was right. We do have this treasure of God’s light in clay jars. So may we welcome the breaking, the spilling, the hardships, and the changes that life brings to each one of us and to our church. For through us, Jesus is already coming again in glory every time we get broken apart and his light shines and pours out through our brokenness into the world”