We are a small Episcopal Church on the banks of the Rappahannock in Port Royal, Virginia. We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Port Royal, the Nandtaughtacund, and we respect and honor with gratitude the land itself, the legacy of the ancestors, and the life of the Rappahannock Tribe. Our mission statement is to do God’s Will in all that we do.

The Shape of Advent in Scriptures, Year B

Each week in Advent has a specific theme:

Week 1- The End of Time / Remaining Awake
Week 2 – God promises for Peace and Justice / John the Baptism
Week 3 – Rejoice (Gaudete Sunday) / John the Baptist
Week 4 – The Messiah

Advent comes from a Latin word – “advenire” – which means to come to/ During Advent. There are three comings:

• The Coming of God to the world as a human baby
• The Coming of God to the world in His glory at the end of time where God’s purposes will be fulfilled. The second coming
• The Coming of God into the world today. Jesus comes to us now in word and sacrament, in prayer and praise, in his Body, the Church

Advent causes us to remember that we are a people who live “between.” We live between the incarnation and the parousia, the day of the Lord.

Advent is a journey, a pilgrimage of watching and waiting. We are not ready for the Christ Child as we have work to do.

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Origins of the 12 days of Christmas


During the next few weeks you’ll be hearing it over and over, perhaps to the point of saying, “Enough already”! But you might be interested to know the origin of the

familiar “secular” holiday song; it has roots as a teaching tool to instruct young people in England in the content of the Christian faith!

From 1558 to 1829, Roman Catholics were not able to practice their faith openly in  Protestant England, so they devised ways of passing on their beliefs to their children.

“The Twelve Days of Christmas” is one example of how they did it. Each of the gifts mentioned represents something of religious significance:

1. On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me:  

The “true love ” represents God, and the “ me ” is the believer who receives the gifts.  The partridge in a pear tree is Jesus Christ who died on a “tree” as a gift from God.

2.Two turtle doves are the Old and the New Testaments – another gift from God.  

3.The three French hens are faith, hope, and love –the three gifts of the Spirit that abide. (I Corinthians 13)  

4.The four colley* birds are the four gospels which sing the song of salvation through Jesus Christ. (Although most modern versions say “ calling ” birds, the proper word is “ colley ”, which is a type of blackbird common in England.)  

5. The five gold rings are the first five books of the Bible, also called the “Books of Moses” or the “Pentateuch”.  

6. The six geese-a-laying are the six days of creation. (On the seventh day, God rested.)  

7.The seven swans – a – swimming are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. (I Corinthians 12:8-10)  

8.The eight maids –a – milking are the beatitudes. (There appear to be Nine in Matthew 5: 3 -11, but the first eight are the ones directed at others ; the ninth refers only to Jesus’ listeners on the mountain.)  

 9. The nine ladies dancing are the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit. (Galatians 5: 22 -23)  

 10. The ten lords – a- leaping are the Ten Commandments.  

 11. The eleven pipers piping are the eleven faithful disciples.  

 12. The twelve drummers drumming are the twelve major points of the Apostles’ Creed.  

So the next time you hear “The Twelve Days of Christmas”, consider how this otherwise Secular sounding song was a tool to instruct the young. Remember, it’s still Christmas for 12 days . . . until theFeast of the Epiphany!

-Father Rod Caulkins, St. James Episcopal Louisa 

Music filled the Air, Sun Dec. 17

As part of the sermon on Advent 3, Dec. 17, 2023, Catherine explored the role of music and sang a number of Christmas pieces important in her faith life. You might call this the “singing sermon.”

The music theme carried forward to the offertory. During the offertory we had 5 of our youth entertain us on trumpet, French horn, piano, ukelele and vocals

From the sermon Dec. 17, 2023

“In the Living Compass publication, Living Well through Advent, Scott Stoner talks about the music of Christmas.  He says that “music is a thin place for many, where the distance between themselves and God is narrowed.  It has long been said that music is the language of the soul and that those who sing, pray twice.” 

“So in this year’s last  week of Advent, let the music of Christmas become the language of your soul, your own prayer. Let this music bring you closer to God.  ”

“As you pray, let the  music of Christmas bring you back into that unbroken circle of love with those who are here, and those who have gone on to glory.

“May the light shining in us, bring  light into the darkness and witness to God’s glory.”

Written Sermon

Videos, Third Sunday in Advent, Dec. 17, 2023

1. Advent 3 – Candle Lighting –

2. Opening Hymn – “People Look East”

3. Hymn of Praise – “Rejoice the Lord is King!”

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Christmas Play, 2023

We had about 50 people to view and participate in our play, including members from other churches. New this year – 3 live goats in the field for the shepherds and a reconstructed star to display. Of course there were all the ingredients of a typical Christmas Play.

There were 5 scenes around the church and the next door home:
1. Annunciation
2. Joseph and Mary on the way to the Inn
3. At the Inn
4. Shepherds and Angels in the field
5. Manger scene with Shepherds and Angels and the arrival of the wisemen. Conclusion. See photo above.

Thanks to all who those who directed, acted and viewed the play. It is our gift to our larger congregation and the spread of the Christmas spirit.

1. Photos

(full size gallery)

2. Video – 26 minutes

Sermon, Advent 3, Year B – “Music, a thin place “

In the Living Compass publication, Living Well through Advent, Scott Stoner talks about the music of Christmas.  He says that “music is a thin place for many, where the distance between themselves and God is narrowed.  It has long been said that music is the language of the soul and that those who sing, pray twice.” 

Every Sunday, at the Great Thanksgiving, our Eucharistic Prayer, we sing, “Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, God of power and might.”  We join our voices with angels, archangels, and with all the company of heaven, who forever sing this hymn to proclaim the glory of God’s name.” 

That music brings us directly into the presence of God and all the company of heaven as we prepare to come to God’s table and share the bread and wine together.  Those who have gone before us surround us in this thin place at the table every Sunday.  Music helps us to know that they are there with us, the company of heaven, and once more, the circle of love is unbroken, even by death. 

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Sunday links, Dec. 17, 2023

Advent 3, Dec. 17 – Rejoice!

  • Web site
  • YouTube St. Peter’s Page for viewing services
  • Facebook St. Peter’s Page
  • Location – 823 Water Street, P. O. Box 399, Port Royal, Virginia 22535
  • Ecumenical Bible Study, Wed., Dec. 13 10am-12pm, Parish House Reading Lectionary for Dec. 17, Advent 3
  • Wed., Dec. 13, 12:15pm right after Bible study— Come all to help put together Advent/Christmas arrangements for the church windows.
  • Thurs., Dec. 14, Vestry, 2pm
  • Compline Thursdays in Dec. Dec. 14 on Zoom, 7pm. Praying for a peaceful night during a hurried season Zoom Link
  • Sat. Dec. 16, 2023, 5pm, Christmas Outdoor play
  • Meet in front of the church
  • Sun. Dec. 17, 2023, 11am Church service – Eucharist Live or YouTube St. Peter’s Page
  • Poinsettia forms and Gifts to the Endowment Fund are on the back pew. Poinsettia due Sun., Dec. 10th. Endowment due Sun., Dec. 17th Endowment Fund gifts are tax deductible.
  • Lectionary link for Dec. 17, Advent 3
  • Serving – Holy Eucharist
    Lector: Cookie Davis
    Chalice Bearer: Alice Hughes
    Altar Cleanup: Andrea Pogue
  • Ecumenical Bible Study, Wed., Dec. 20, 10am-12pm, Parish House Reading Lectionary for Dec. 24, Advent 4
  • Compline Thursdays in Dec. 21 on Zoom, 7pm. Praying for a peaceful night during a hurried season Zoom Link
  • Christmas Eve, 4pm, Dec. 24, 2023
  • Dec., 2023 newsletter
  • All articles for Sunday, Dec. 17, 2023
  • Recent Articles, Dec. 17, 2023

    Advent 3, Dec. 17, 2023
    Christmas play – photos, video
    Lectionary for Advent 3, Dec. 17
    Sermon and Offertory
    Videos, Dec 17, 2023
    Photos, Dec 17, 2023
    Advent Candle 3, Joy
    Advent 3 Commentary
    Arts and Faith, Advent 3
    John the Baptist in Art – National Gallery, London
    Advent compline
    Christmas without Anglicans
    Origins of the 12 Days of Christmas

    All About Advent
    Getting Ready for Advent

    Living Compass Advent meditations
    Shape of Scriptures in Advent
    Advent Season Resources
    Advent Online Learning

    Chancellor’s Village Eucharist, Dec. 12, 2023
    Flower arranging for the church windows, Dec. 13, 2023
    Christmas play – 25 year tradition
    Golden Hour at St. Peter’s
    Music of compline, Dec. 7
    ECW takes dinner to the “House”, Dec. 5
    Giving Tuesday results (updated Dec. 4)
    Advent Workshop – the Nativity blocks
    Advent Workshop – the Christmas trees
    Christmas play poster download

    Discretionary Fund in 2023
    End of year gift to the Endowment Fund

    Advent 3 – Joy

    This candle reflects the joy that comes through Jesus’ arrival, and through the salvation he has gifted us. During this third week of advent, this Sunday celebrates the passage Philippians 4:4-5, its verses extolling readers to “rejoice” for “indeed the Lord is near.” This Sunday is traditionally known as “Gaudete” or “Rejoice” Sunday, so called because of the heightened excitement in anticipation for the birth of Christ

    During a time where depression is at an all-time high and people seem to be in the most despair, this candle offers a bright light during a dark time.

    It is also known as the Shepherd Candle to highlight the joy the shepherds experienced when they received the good news about Christ’s birth (Luke 2:8-20). During the middle of the night, the darkest time, the shepherds encountered angels.

    The third candle of Advent has an unusual place. In most advent wreaths, it is the one candle that is a different color, pink, than the others. There is something unique, more spontaneous, and celebratory about the theme of the third week of Advent compared to the others.

    In contrast to purple, pink or rose represents joy and celebration. One of the ancient church’s popes gave a citizen a pink rose on the third Sunday of Lent, symbolizing the moment of joy amidst Lent’s fasting and penance. Therefore, when Catholic priests modeled Advent celebrations on Lent, they wore rose-colored robes and set the third Sunday of December as the time to remember joy. The pink or rose-colored advent candle is lit on that third Sunday.

    It’s also worth noting that more so than the other three Advent themes, joy is something we associate with spontaneous action. Hope, peace, joy, and love are all things that God places in us and should be ongoing attitudes in our lives. However, hope and peace are generally seen as inner qualities that we cultivate by meditating on ideas like God’s provision. Love is something we do, but also something we cultivate and meditate on.

    Joy tends to have a more spontaneous effect. Joy can motivate us to celebrate or worship with glorious abandon (like David did when he danced in front of the ark of the covenant). In that light, it’s appropriate that the advent candle representing joy is a different color, highlighting the different nature of joy compared to the other advent themes.

    Advent 3, Year B

    Advent 3

    Explore Advent, Part 3 – Over the Sundays in Advent there will be a presentation each week focusing on that week’s scriptures, art and commentary and how they demonstrate the themes of advent. Let’s continue with Advent 3.

    A. Voices for Advent 3

    “In Advent the church emphasizes these ways of continual change: Repentance. Conversion of life. Self-examination. Awakening. Deepening.  “

    – Suzanne Guthrie

    B. “You Don’t Want to Be a Prophet (Isaiah, Luke)

    Christmas without Anglicans?” – Anglican contributions to Advent and Christmas carols.

    Voices, Advent 3, Year B

    1.  "In Advent the church emphasizes these ways of continual change: Repentance. Conversion of life. Self-examination. Awakening. Deepening.  "

    – Suzanne Guthrie

    "Advent invites us instead to pause for a moment that we might reflect long enough to assess our deep need and longing for something more, for something beyond ourselves, for something of the divine to penetrate the ordinary even if for just a moment to remind us that there is indeed, something beyond the possible that will save us.  "

    – David Lose

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    Mary’s Song – the “Magnificat”

    From Songs in Waiting

    The Song of Mary – The Magnificat

    Luke 1:46-55
    “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,
    “my spirit rejoices in God my Savior; * for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant.
    “From this day all generations will call me blessed: * the Almighty has done great things for me, and holy is his Name.
    “He has mercy on those who fear him * in every generation.
    “He has shown the strength of his arm, * he has scattered the proud in their conceit.
    “He has cast down the mighty from their thrones, * and has lifted up the lowly.
    “He has filled the hungry with good things, * and the rich he has sent away empty.
    “He has come to the help of his servant Israel, * for he has remembered his promise of mercy,
    “The promise he made to our fathers, * to Abraham and his children for ever.”

    It is a song that speaks profoundly about being “childlike.” Luke focuses his entire Christmas narrative around the person of Mary, who was probably just a child, a young girl who was per­haps twelve to fourteen years old, as it was customary for Jewish girls to marry just after puberty. 

    In this light, the Christmas story is of a child hav­ing The Child. 

    When people begin to bring their children to Jesus for his blessing, the disciples send them away, seeing the children as a waste of his precious time. But Jesus rebukes them, saying, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14), He is saying that the deep­est spiritual knowledge, while hidden from the wise and learned, is revealed to children. He even goes so far as to say that in order to enter the kingdom of heaven, we must become like children: “Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3). Jesus often refers to us all as “children of God” 

    The name Magnificat comes from the first word in the Latin Vulgate translation of this song, “magnify” or “glorify.” Most probably a compilation of phrases from the Psalms, various Old Testament prophetic books, and Hannah’s Song in 1 Samuel, the Magnifi­cat has been part of Christian liturgy at least since the time of Saint Benedict in the fifth and sixth centuries. 

    The Magnificat has been recited every day for cen­turies by Christians, chanted by monks, and set to music by composers of every age, perhaps the most famous being Johann Sebastian Bach’s composition, which he wrote for Christmas Day 1725 

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    Arts and Faith- Advent 3, relating art and scripture

    Commentary is by Daniella Zsupan-Jerome, director of ministerial formation at Saint John’s University School of Theology and Seminary.

    On this third Sunday of Advent, we witness the prophetic call of St. John the Baptist to prepare the way of the Lord. Anton Raphael Mengs’ Saint John the Baptist Preaching brings us face-to-face with John, as he addresses us with expressive gestures. Mengs’ portrayal is intensely psychological, inviting us to encounter John’s deep conviction, prophetic presence, and sense of urgency. John’s penetrating look, coupled with his raised arms, make a burning appeal for us to listen, to look for “the one among us whom we do not recognize,” and to wait attentively for the coming of him whose sandal this prophet is not fit to untie.

    In this portrayal, Mengs dares to move St. John the Baptist away from more traditional interpretations. Rather than the heroic portrayal of a martyr, the serene portrayal of a devoted servant recognizing the Lord, or a dutiful prophet preaching to a crowd, Mengs shows us a John who is caught up in emotion. This John is making his passionate appeal stirred by the dangerous knowledge of Christ coming, dying, and rising. In this image, John exists not in the historical moment of Jesus’ early ministry, but in the post-Resurrection reality of the Church that now awaits the final coming of the Risen Lord. The red shroud draped across his body and the cross-shaped staff to his right hint at this. The shroud is a symbol of his martyrdom, and the staff points to the crucifixion of Christ. Here John comes to us not as the wild preacher in the desert, but as the saint who has lived the whole story, who exists now in God’s eternal presence, and who intercedes for us as we continue to watch and wait. He is not the light, but he now dwells in it—demonstrated by Mengs by illuminating his body brightly from above.

    St. John’s intercession is as intense as his preaching was—a voice that is still crying out with urgency, this time for the Lord’s Second Coming. His urgent voice comes before God filled with love for the Body of Christ, a love that seeks desperately to rouse this Body to readiness.

    Chancellor’s Village Eucharist

    (full size gallery)

    During early August, 2023, the local Episcopal region organized a weekly Euchriast at Chancellor’s Village, a retirement community just west of Fredericksbug, VA.

    Catherine participates once or twice a month and shares the pulpit with the other priests of the Fredericksburg Region. The service is a regular Sunday service complete with sermon and Eucharist. The faciity has a dedicated worship space with altar and seats over 30.

    Boyd and Barbara Wisdom have been there since July, 2022. Barbara and Tom Segar joined them by September.

    Today, December 12, there were 10 initial participants but two came in at the end of the service and were given the Eucharist. The service was based on the readings from the previous Sunday, Advent 2, Year B.

    As a bonus Chancellor’s Village was completely decorated for Christmas.

    St. Peter’s Endowment Fund – An end of the year gift to the Church

    Consider a gift to the St. Peter’s Endowment Fund this year by Dec. 17. If you have not taken your IRA minimum distribution, this would be a good fund to consider. It’s tax deductible These funds, which are invested, will help assure financial security for St Peter’s for years to come. Money from the fund can be used for the future maintenance of the buildings in the future and also for outreach projects that the church may take on. On your check, just designate the “Endowment Fund” in the memo line.

    Giving to the Endowment Fund also offers some tax advantages. You can donate stock which is sold by the church with the proceeds going into the Endowment Fund. There are no capital gains for you and you can get a deduction for the appreciated value of the stock. Supporting St Peter’s in this way can increase your tax deduction and not your tax bill.

    You can also go further and add a percentage of your estate which is taken off the total estate when computing estate tax.

    For details consult one of the trustees, Johnny Davis, Ken Pogue or Ben Hicks.