We are a small Episcopal Church on the banks of the Rappahannock in Port Royal, Virginia. We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Port Royal, the Nandtaughtacund, and we respect and honor with gratitude the land itself, the legacy of the ancestors, and the life of the Rappahannock Tribe. Our mission statement is to do God’s Will in all that we do.

St. Francis, Oct. 4

A Pet Blessing for St. Francis day, Oct. 4 

The blessing -“Our pets have already blessed us. On St Francis Day, we get to bless our pets.” St Francis of Assisi, who lived from 1182 to 1226, had a great love for animals and the environment. He understood the earth and everything in it as God’s good creation and believed that we are brothers and sisters with everything in creation. So on this day, we remember St Francis and thank God for the gift of our pets.

When you have a moment with your pet, offer this blessing written by Bishop Mark S. Sisk:

Live without fear. Your Creator loves you, made you holy, and has always protected you. May we follow the good road together, and may God’s blessing be with you always. Amen.

“Who was St. Francis? ” – a link collection

Brief biography

St. Francis movie on Youtube

“Brother Sun, Sister Moon”- trailer

Director Franco Zeffirelli’s “Brother Sun, Sister Moon” focuses on the early years of Francis of Assisi in this 1972 film.

Poem by Jan Richardson from the “Painted Prayerbook”

Addressing myths about St. Francis

St. Francis preaching to the birds

Paintings by Giotto on St. Francis

Rhonda Mawhood Lee: “Go a little crazy on St. Francis Day”, a sermon preached at St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, Durham, N.C

“It’s appropriate to go a little crazy on St. Francis Day, because during his own lifetime, many people thought Francesco Bernardone was insane.” 

Five Principles of Stewardship

Here are some thoughts on giving and stewardship from From The Evangelist, Newsletter-letter of St. Mark’s Cathedral Shreveport, Louisiana, Nov. 2021

  • God owns everything. Everything means everything. The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world and all who live in it (Ps. 24:1) The Genesis creation record makes it clear that God is the sovereign Creator who owns and reigns over the earth. It is also clear that God appointed man to manage this creation (Gen. 2:15).

  • The people of God are God’s management company. If you are a Christian, remember that being part of God’s household gives you responsibilities to work for the house of God. You enter into a contract with God that requires you to be a steward of your part of his creation. It is a further obligation that although you are free to make your own choices, the choices you make must give God glory.

  • Stewardship is responsibility with accountability. God did not create a people to be servants but to be relatives, sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth (Is. 43:6). He receives little glory from having slaves; he receives tremendous glory from people who willingly serve him as a manifestation of their relationship to him. God wants to know if you truly love him, and he intends to test that love by seeing how you respond to the temptation of money.

  • Stewardship demands a commitment to others. It is a response to God’s goodness to you. Stewardship is not doing something for God with your money, but doing something for others with his money. You act on God’s behalf and in his name. The apostle Paul described himself as a slave to everyone (1 Car. 9:19) and always seeking the good of them. (1 Car. 10:24, 33). Further he told us to look not only to our own interest, but also the interests of others (Phil. 2:4). Your attitude, Paul wrote, should be the same as that of Christ Jesus, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness (Phil. 2:5-7). Stewardship is both an expression of your love for God and the realization of that love in your relationships to others.

  • Stewardship has eternal consequences. Underlying most of Jesus’ instruction is the assumption that your life on earth will prepare you for your future in heaven. Paul explained to the Philippian believers, I am [not] looking for a gift, but I am looking for what may be credited to your [future, heavenly] account (Phil. 4:17). Stewardship builds heavenly treasure by transferring wealth from your bank account to your heavenly account. Because God is eternal, he operates in an eternal time frame. Likewise, the actions of God’s stewards will have eternal consequences

Sunday Links for Pentecost 17, Oct. 2, 2022

Youth Group reorganizes around music, Sept 25.

Oct. 2, 11:00am – Holy Eucharist
Season of Creation 5, Sept 1 – Oct. 4

  • Holy Eucharist, Sun. Oct. 2 Zoom link Sept. 11 Meeting ID: 869 9926 3545 Passcode: 889278
  • Lectionary for Oct. 2, 2022, Pentecost 17
  • Bulletin, Oct. 2, 2022
  • Gospel on the River, Oct. 2, 3pm,
  • Morning Meditation , Mon, Oct. 3, 6:30am Zoom link Meeting ID: 879 8071 6417 Passcode: 790929
  • Climate Change conclusion— “Carbon offsets”, Oct. 3, 7pm Zoom link Meeting ID: 878 1530 9573 Passcode: 276113
  • Ecumenical Bible Study, Wed., Oct. 5, 10am-12pm. Reading lectionary of Oct. 2
  • Sacred Ground group, Thurs., Oct 6, 7pm Zoom link Meeting ID: 869 0445 9075 Passcode: 715981
  • October, 2022 newsletter
  • All articles for Oct. 2, 2022

  • St. Peter’s Art Gallery

     St. Peter’s Art (full size gallery)

    God, the master artist, is always creating anew throughout the year, and the beauty of God’s earth is apparent everywhere on the grounds of St Peter’s.  The church itself, which has been lovingly maintained since its opening in 1836, is a stately addition to the earlier colonial buildings in Port Royal. 

    The altarpiece[1]  that graces the wall above the altar was done by an anonymous artist and installed at St Peter’s in 1853.  The people of St Peter’s had this piece restored in 2016 by Cleo Mullins and her team at the Richmond Conservation Studio.  Russell Bernabo, a gilt expert, restored the gold framing. The celestial blues and golds of the altarpiece once more glow and add beauty to our space.  

    But did you know that   St Peter’s has many works of art hidden in plain sight?  Find some time to take a tour of the St Peter’s art gallery, featuring several local artists.   Follow this handy guide.

    The Altar Door Cross [2].  Woodworker Helmut Linne on Berg designed and constructed the wooden cross on the door behind the altar. Helmut has also created two processional crosses for St Peter’s—the blue one for young acolytes to carry [3], and the red Lenten cross that we use throughout the Season of Lent [4]. In addition, Helmut created our Holy Week cross which makes an appearance at the Good Friday service [5].  A large Easter cross, festooned with ribbons and bells, can be found in Catherine’s study in the Parish House and is often on the St Peter’s porch on Easter Sunday [6].   Helmut also made a smaller free standing cross with a candle holder out of wood that he salvaged from the river.  This cross is also in Catherine’s study[7].    

    In the Sacristy.  This area features the work of four artists:  Mary Peterman, Mike Newman, Helmut Linne von Berg, and Elizabeth S. Fall. 

    The Trinity [8]—hanging over the printer is a watercolor of three lambs, by Mary Peterman.  The lamb is an important symbol in Christian art.  In the first chapter of the Gospel according to John, John the Baptist refers to Jesus as the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.  This watercolor is from the collection of Catherine Hicks.

    Mary Peterman has also created a set of watercolors for The Stations of the Cross, which will be on view during the season of Lent.   

    The Four Gospels—Hanging vertically, one above another, are four paintings on cardboard shields done by Elizabeth  (Beth) Stamboughon Fall.  She and The Rev. Ralph Fall were married on June 30, 1942.  They spent most of their married life in Port Royal and raised their two children there.  Elizabeth’s art studio was in the small building that we currently use as the nursery.    She died Dec. 26, 1983, and is buried at Vauters Church.

    These paintings depict a lion [9], an ox [10], a man [11] and an eagle [12], the four living creatures that appear in the Book of Revelation. By the first century, Irenaeus, an early church father, had already connected these living creatures to the four gospels. These creatures appear in the famous art of the Book of Kells in connection with the gospels.   The man represents Matthew, the lion represents Mark, the ox represents Luke, and the eagle represents John. 

    Painting of  the Tablet Pinnacle [13]—On the counter is a framed oil painting on Belgium linen by Mike Newman of the design that appears on the top of each tablet pinnacle in the church.  The painting is done in the same rich blue and gold as the tablets.  Helmut Linne von Berg made the frame from wood that is over 100 years old.  Helmut salvaged the wood from a piano in Susan Linne von Berg’s family.   

    In The Parish House.  The Parish House features work by Elizabeth Fall, Ben Hicks, Mike Newman, Sydney King, Pete Butzner, Kristen Malcolm Berry, and Sue Moore.  

    In the hallway.  Sycamore Tree [14]–Enter the door closest to the kitchen.  Hanging on the wall facing the door is an oil painting done by Elizabeth Fall of the magnificent sycamore tree behind the church, with the setting sun behind it.  This painting is from the collection of Genevieve Davis and hung in her home for many years. 

    Check out the bathroom!  On the wall opposite the bathroom door is a large photo — Summer on the Rappahannock [15] by Ben Hicks.  The frame, donated by Nancy and Alex Long, gives the appearance of a window looking out on the river, adding spaciousness to this area.  And on the back wall is The Duck [16], also by Elizabeth Fall and from the collection of Genevieve Davis. 

    In the Dining Room over the keyboardChurch, by Mike Newman, is a watercolor of a small colonial style church [17]

    St Peter’s Stained Glass [18]—This oil painting, also by Mike Newman, was purchased anonymously and given to St Peter’s.  The money raised went toward the outreach work of the church. 

    Front Hallway—Features the many priests who have served at St Peter’s through the years .[19] [20].  In addition, on the wall with the photos of the bishops who are currently serving in the Diocese of Virginia, is a small reproduction of the portrait of William Channing Moore [21], the bishop who consecrated St Peter’s on May 15, 1836.  The original portrait belongs to Virginia Theological Seminary and hung in Scott Hall for many years. 

    The Front Room.  Portrait of The Rev. Jonathan Boucher [22] (artist unknown)   Read more about him at https://www.churchsp.org/boucher/ 

    St Peter’s Church[23].    This small oil painting by Elizabeth Fall, and also from the collection of Genevieve Davis, was restored by the Richmond Conservation Studio in 2016. 

    Upstairs in Catherine’s study—

    In addition to Helmut Linne von Berg’s Easter cross, several other works of art are in Catherine’s study, all from her collection.

    The Crown of Thorns [24]–Hanging over the prayer desk on the wall opposite the door is a small reproduction of a painting done by Betsy Meehan, an accomplished artist and musician.  Betsy painted this portrait of Jesus crowned with thorns as she was dying from myeloma. 

    Paris Skyline [25]—Hanging over the mantel is a woodcut by Pete Butzner, an artist from Fredericksburg.

    Gathering Kindling [26]Sydney King, local Caroline artist, did this drawing in charcoal and pastel chalks and based it on a 16th century drawing. 

    Greek Icon[27]—This icon, done in colored pencil and brought from Greece, is from the estate of Cotchy Pappendrou.  This icon was a gift from Ben to Catherine for the Parish House study.

    For as often as you eat this bread [28]—Kristen Malcolm Perry’s art is drawn from the images of the New Testament.  Each image includes the verse on which it is based, written in Greek.  Various indigenous art forms influence Perry’s work. 

    Gloria deum Christus Natus Est [29]—this woodcut, by Sue Moore, one of the Winston-Salem Printmakers, is an artistic interpretation of the incarnation of Jesus.  The Greek word for fish is “ichthys.” As early as the first century, Christians made an acrostic from this word: Iesous Christos Theou Yios Soter, i.e. Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior. This print is on the shelf next to the door. 

    Sea of Galilee [30]—Catherine bought this photo in Jerusalem.