We are a small Episcopal Church on the banks of the Rappahannock in Port Royal, Virginia. We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Port Royal, the Nandtaughtacund, and we respect and honor with gratitude the land itself, the legacy of the ancestors, and the life of the Rappahannock Tribe. Our mission statement is to do God’s Will in all that we do.

Second/Third Century Eucharist / Congregational Meeting

This was one of the most of the unusual Sundays at St. Peter’s, combining ancient liturgy of the 2nd/3rd century Christian experience with the congregation meeting. The liturgy were using comes from two ancient sources. Todays Eucharistic Prayer comes from the Apostolic Tradition of Hippolytus of Rome, written early in the second century, for the Eucharistic Prayer. The closing prayer is from the Didache, or The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, believed to have been written in the late first century or early second century. This morphed into the Congregational Meeting which followed an agape meal or love feast used in certain religious meals among early Christians that seem to have been originally closely related to the Eucharist.

Congregational Meeting, 2025

JANUARY 26, 2025          

Sunday a large congregation met at 11am for the Annual Meeting of St. Peters which held during the church service led by Rev. Tom Hughes.  Speakers included John Davis ( Sr. Warden), Larry Saylor (Jr.   Warden), Ken Pogue (ECM)  & Andrea Pogue (ECW).  

A Valentine Social Honoring the Ladies of St. Peters -by ECM      
The Episcopal Church Men (ECM) would like to cordially invite you to help coordinate, host and pay tribute to the wonderful, hard-working and gracious ladies of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church as well as the blessed ladies in Port Royal and beyond that contribute their time and efforts in support the mission of the church.

Cuisine – Our mission is to provide a heartfelt and joyful experience for our wives and lady attendees that will include a light, picnic style meal of fried chicken, potato salad, macaroni salad, mixed green salad, green beans, baked beans, dinner rolls and dessert; consisting of cherry cheesecake.

Entertainment – Entertainment will consist of a series of randomly, self-selected melodies, popular standards and seasonal favorites; all sung together in “sing-along” fashion, lead and accompanied by the talented Meistro, Lawrence (Larry) Saylor and his guitar (Bessie).  It promises to be wildly entertaining, and yes, the words to every song will be readily available for the divas in all of us. Of course there will be beverages; coffee, tea, soda, and wine sufficient enough to loosen the vocal cords of even the most inhibited among us. So let’s sing together and celebrate the ladies in our lives to the glory of His name.

Attire – The preferred attire for gentlemen is Blazer/Sportscoat (No Tie); Ladies – Go for it.  We love it when you Show Out!

Gentlemen – Please help us demonstrate our love (your love) and appreciation for the ladies in our lives by donating whatever time you can spare towards the coordination, set-up, errands and the anticipated cleanup duties.  Also donations in the amount of $30 are requested to cover the costs for this illustrious event.  Please make your contributions payable to St. Peter’s Episcopal Church and write “ECM” on the memo line.

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“The Way We Were” – June 2, 2024

The Rev. Shirley Smith Graham, the Diocese Transitions Minister, provided an update to the congregation on Sunday, June 2. At the same time after the service, she took a group picture of those in attendance, the total of which was above average. This step she takes for all the congregations she visits.