We are a small Episcopal Church on the banks of the Rappahannock in Port Royal, Virginia. We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Port Royal, the Nandtaughtacund, and we respect and honor with gratitude the land itself, the legacy of the ancestors, and the life of the Rappahannock Tribe. Our mission statement is to do God’s Will in all that we do.

Thirteen concert, Feb., 11, 2018

The Thirteen was our first concert almost five years ago in Oct. 2013. We brought them back to help begin our sixth year. Many things have changed with them including singers though they still have two singers from that period. Many of their concerts, including this one, are thematic. This concert, “From Tree to Shining Tree”, was based on the environment and how composers have expressed their feelings – wonder, delight as well horror to the destruction of nature through their music.

We had 50 people on a pretty dreary day though the music lightened it up. The rain held up and it was very warm in the 60’s in February. We thank the Heimbachs for a wonderful reception at 6pm including drinks, cheese and crab dip. Also Brad Volland provided two types of lasagna at dinner which was appreciated. Thanks to others such as Roger and Eunice who helped with the dinner and logistics.

Magical Strings in concert, April 22, 2017

We had 40 for this spring concert of Magical Strings, a duo of Philip and Pam Boulding. This was our concert for 2017. The story is here.

Pam is the spokesperson for the group and plays hammered dulcimer and ocarina. Philip plays 2 different sized celtic harps, hammered dulcimer, mountain dulicmer, guitar, pennywhistles and Iris Accordian. Besides this he made the dulcimers, harps, and guitar used in the concert! You read it right! He was apprenticed to a guitar maker and with a love of Irish music this was extended into instruments for his Irish pieces.

The group has been playing almost 30 years. Since 1980 Magical Strings has recorded 18 albums on Flying Fish/Rounder, EarthBeat Records, and their own label, Magic Hill Music.

Thomas Marshall Organ Concert Oct 10, 2010

175th Anniversary kickoff celebration. Thomas Marshall organist from William and Mary presented four centuries of organ music on the George Stevens 1850 organ. About 40 people attended, including Denise Symonds, former organist.

Lyra Concert, Sept 16, 2014

We were pleased to welcome Lyra, our second annual concert on Sept 16, 2014, a beautiful late summer evening in Port Royal. Lyra is a collective of over 20 musicians in St. Peterburg Russia established in 1994. Smaller groups tour the US and other countries giving concerts. Our group was 4. We had between 80-100 people enjoying the concert and we are hoping we can continue the series in the future. We thank the Heimbachs and Davis for housing the group and particularly the Davis for the wine/cheese reception.

The Thirteen in Concert, Oct 22, 2013

The Thirteen, twelve singers with conductor Matthew Robertson, brought the Renaissance to life for 100 concert goers on Oct. 22. It was a young group that tackled an ambitious program of two key Renaissance composers – Tallis and Palestrina, both 16th century /composers of sacred music in England and Italy, respectively. We thank Cookie, Catherine, the Pogues, the Carpenters, and the Heimbachs in particular for their help with the concert.

Organ Maintenance with Mark Thompson

Mark Thompson, our new organ support, came to Church at the end of August, 2011 for a number of key tasks which included: 1. Reshape a number of pipes which he describes here and place better fitting tuning collars 2. Repitching pipes ;3 Bringing the blower bellows from attic

Choir Retreat, Dec. 8, 2012

The Choir held a special rehearsal for their Christmas music on Sat. Dec. 8, 2012. After two hours of rehearsals they were ready for their own Christmas meal – Nino’s pizza, salad and Brad’s special cheese cake. Thom Guthrie was on hand also lending his voice.