We are a small Episcopal Church on the banks of the Rappahannock in Port Royal, Virginia. We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Port Royal, the Nandtaughtacund, and we respect and honor with gratitude the land itself, the legacy of the ancestors, and the life of the Rappahannock Tribe. Our mission statement is to do God’s Will in all that we do.

Gospel on the Rivah, 2011

A wonderful day of food, fellowship and song along the Rappahannock River at Portabago Bay (9/17/2011)

Gospel on the Rivah, September 16, 2012

35 came to sing old gospel hymns at 5pm on September 16, 2012 and to enjoy fellowship along the Rappahannock in this much loved annual event. We thank Tom Guthrie for playing piano and all who brought plentiful food. The weather was much improved over the last two years and we enjoyed a beautful sunset along the river at the end.

Shrinemont 2016

We had a split congregation – 9 were at Shrine Mont, including Catherine in our retreat in collaboration with Christ Episcopal. This is the 3rd year we have done this

19 from St. Peter’s(9) and Christ Episcopal (10) joined up for the 3rd year in a Shrine Mont retreat which typically has been the last weekend in April or first in May . Catherine designed the program around the 2007 movie Lars and the Real Girl, the story of a shy young man in search for a real relationship and staring Ryan Gosling. The weekend was rainy but the Fisher family managed to make it up North Mountain. The weather was satisfactory for worship in the Shrine on Sunday with a sermon provided by Jeff Packard.

Jan’s book for Catherine’s Farewell

Jan Saylor constructed a book for Catherine’s farewell with memories from friends. This is the cover, the first three pages and the invitation for June 30. What an amazing work!

Card of thanks to Elizabeth & Jim Heinbach

Catherine read the anniversary prayer to Elizabeth who is celebrating her 56th anniversary to Jim. Both are moving to Fredericksburg within the month. So it was a time of thanks and best wishes and as well as sadness.

Johnny then presented a card from the Vestry:

“Members of St Peter’s Church greatly appreciates your service during your years in Port Royal. Jim has been a faithful Treasurer keeping accurate records weekly while Elizabeth has been a leader in the ECW women and vestry serving as registrar for the church supporting all meetings. We hope you had a wonderful anniversary with love and appreciation.” St. Peter’s Vestry

Looking back to the beginning of Summer, 2016, 8 years ago

Traveling back in time for June and July, 2016 marks the transition from spring to summer. We have a slide show and a description.

 Look back to June, July 2016(full size gallery)

Here are some of the events that happened over the 2 month period:

1. Altarpiece center portion and other sections completed so scaffolding could be removed in July
A. July 21, 2016
B. July 13, 2016
C. July 3, 2016
D. June 26, 2016
E. June 11, 2016
F. June 11, 2016
G. June 9, 2016

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“The Way We Were” – June 2, 2024

The Rev. Shirley Smith Graham, the Diocese Transitions Minister, provided an update to the congregation on Sunday, June 2. At the same time after the service, she took a group picture of those in attendance, the total of which was above average. This step she takes for all the congregations she visits.

St. Peter’s Chrismas Play, a 25 year tradition

St. Peter’s Christmas play has been different from the typical Children’s Church play. It will be held on 2nd Advent this year, Dec. 3, 2022

First it has involved parishioners of all ages and not just children. Second it takes up most of the Sunday service. Lastly the play is written fresh every year. No repeats. The tradition began in the 1990’s under the Rev. Karen Woodruff when there were many children in the parish.

Here is a collection of Christmas pageants from 2010.

This year St Nicholas will visit the 11AM service and the St Peter’s youth will take the lead in playing holiday music for the congregation.