We are a small Episcopal Church on the banks of the Rappahannock in Port Royal, Virginia. We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Port Royal, the Nandtaughtacund, and we respect and honor with gratitude the land itself, the legacy of the ancestors, and the life of the Rappahannock Tribe. Our mission statement is to do God’s Will in all that we do.

Village Harvest, March 20, 2024

First quarter review follows:

Jan 1,110 1,137 1,081 1,147
Feb 1,014 806 1,635 1,304
Mar 1,321 970 1,480 1,891
Total 3,445 2,913 4,196 4,342
Per Client   

The first quarter, 2024 recovered from 2023 levels in both clients and food. 2024 clients levels are comparable to clients in 2022 and 2021 at just 300 for the quarter. 2023 significant descrease could be considered as an aberration. Food is up from 2,913 pounds to 3,445 in 2024. Overall clients are up by 33% and food 18% from first quarter 2023 to the same period in 2024.

Compared to the past, pounds in 2024 have not kept up with earlier levels in 2022 and 2221. Pounds in 2024 are 3,445 compared to 4,196 and 4,342 in 2022 and 2021, respectively. Food levels are dependent on availability at the Healthy Harvest Food Bank and less on what the church would like to buy.

The lower level in pounds have brought pounds per client from from the 13 and 14 pound level in 2021 and 2022 to just under 12 in 2024.

Total costs 342 290 417 340
Cost per pound $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.08

The cost of the food for the quarter was $342. Not surprisingly it is above 2023 at $290 with the smaller number of pounds but below 2022 at $417 which was much larger.

There is a different story in considering costs per pound. If we calculate cost per pound it is $0.10 for three years, 2021-2023 and lower at $0.08 for 2021. Thus, the change in cost reflects the pounds purchased with inflation not a factor.

Here is a photo gallery with the food purchased and their categories:

(full size gallery)

The entire process takes 6 hours from purchasing food at the Healthy Harvest Food bank in Warsaw to unloading the food at St. Peter’s to then sorting and then bagging the food for the clients.