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2023 Sun April 9
Tenebrae is the opening of the Holy Week services for the church. Due to Covid, we have not scheduled this service since 2019. The 2019 bulletin is here. The description of this day in Holy Week with the Bible readings and commentaries is here. The background of the service is here. A photo gallery of the day from 2019 can be found here.
This was our introduction to the service:
Bulletin, Easter Sunday, April 9, 2023
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Sermon, Good Friday, April 7, 2023
Can you imagine being Mary, the mother of Jesus, that day?
Mary stood there with her sister, with Mary the wife of Clopas, with Mary Magdalene and with the beloved disciple on that dusty, horrid hill, Golgotha, the Place of the Skull. The most sordid of deaths, Roman crucifixions, took place there. Criminals hung on crosses and gasped out the last hours of their lives, and finally, agonizingly, suffocated and died.
Now, Mary is watching her own son hang on the cross. This is the man that she had carried in her body for nine months, and given birth to, loved and cared for as a child. She loved him as he grew up into the man in whom she had complete confidence. She is watching him die an ignominious death on a Roman cross.
What must she have been feeling?
Bulletin, Good Friday, April 7, 2023
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Bulletin, Maundy Thursday, April 6, 2023
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