We are a small Episcopal Church on the banks of the Rappahannock in Port Royal, Virginia. We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Port Royal, the Nandtaughtacund, and we respect and honor with gratitude the land itself, the legacy of the ancestors, and the life of the Rappahannock Tribe. Our mission statement is to do God’s Will in all that we do.

Lent 4 is “Mothering Sunday”

The fourth Sunday in Lent is traditionally known as “Mothering Sunday” or Refreshment Sunday. In some parts of Great Britain, the custom was to return to the “mother church” or the cathedral for a special service on this day, and it also became customary to celebrate or pay special respect to one’s own mother on this day, a sort of Anglican “Mother’s Day.”

Another custom is the relaxation of austere Lenten observances on this day, the baking of simnel cakes (light fruit cakes covered in marzipan), and in some places the replacement of purple robes and liturgical hangings with rose-colored ones. Simnel cakes are called such because of the fine flour (Latin "simila") they were made of.  

A recipe for Simnel cake is here. 

Children of all ages were expected to pay a formal visit to their mothers and to bring a Simnel cake as a gift. In return, the mothers gave their children a special blessing. This custom was so well-established that masters were required to give servants enough time off to visit out-of-town mothers – provided the trip did not exceed 5 days! This holiday became Mother’s Day in America.

Spring begins! 8 Ways to Experience

Spring begins early on March 20 at 5:01am.

The March equinox, like all equinoxes, is characterized by having an almost exactly equal amount of daylight and night across most latitudes on Earth. It is the end of winter when the sun crosses the celestial equator and our days are lengthening.

Here is how to celebrate it:

Recent Articles, Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany, Feb. 23, 2025

Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany

February Newsletter
Lectionary – Epiphany 7, Year C
Commentary Lectionary, Epiphany 7
Visual Lectionary Vanderbilt, Epiphany 7, Feb. 23, 2025″>

Epiphany 7 – When life is difficult .. loving your enemy”
What Does Love Look Like When Your Neighbor is Your Enemy?
Why Forgive?
Desmond Tutu – Book of Forgiving – Four Fold Path

Remembering St. Matthias, Feb. 25

Black History Month, Feb. 2025
Celebrating the lives of Absalom Jones and Abraham Lincoln this week

The Epiphany was Jan. 6, 2025 The Season after the Epiphany lasts until March 4, Shrove Tuesday.

Epiphany Sermon, Trinity Episcopal, NY, Jan. 5, 2025
Epiphany Content and traditions
3 Miracles associated with the Epiphany
Epiphany Readings
The Epiphany – a perfect start to the new year
Bursting Forth – An Epiphany Reflection

Book of Forgiving – Four Fold Path

Desmond Tutu’s – from the Book of Forgiving. Four Fold Path

•We always have a choice whether to walk the Revenge Cycle or the Forgiveness Cycle.

• In the Revenge Cycle, we reject our pain and suffering and believe that by hurting the person who hurt us our pain will go away.

• In the Forgiveness Cycle, we face our pain and suffering and move toward acceptance and healing by walking the Fourfold Path.

These are the steps of the Fourfold Path:

1. Telling the Story

2. Naming the Hurt

3. Granting Forgiveness

4. Renewing or Releasing the Relationship.

Recent Articles, Second Sunday after Christmas, Jan. 5, 2025

Second Sunday after Christmas
Second Sunday after Christmas, Jan 5, Commentary
Visual Lectionary Vanderbilt, Second Sunday after Christmast, Jan 5, 2025
3 saints after Christmas
January, 2025 newsletter

The Epiphany
The Epiphany is Jan. 6, 2025 The Season after the Epiphany lasts until March 4, Shrove Tuesday.

Epiphany Content and traditions
3 Miracles associated with the Epiphany
Epiphany Readings
The Epiphany – a perfect start to the new year
Bursting Forth – An Epiphany Reflection