A collection around the following 6 categories to explore:
1 What Does This Season Mean? Though Advent appears at the end of the secular calendar year, it is the beginning of the Christian year. The deep darkness of the natural world around us is an echo of the nurturing darkness of the dawning of Creation. It is in this holy space we begin re-telling our Sacred Stories. The word “Advent” comes from the Latin adventus, which means “coming” or “arrival.” Advent prepares us for, and leads us to, Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem. The four Sundays in Advent invite us on a journey. As the days grow shorter each week, we are invited to draw closer and closer to the light of Christ. We are invited to open our hearts a little wider each week to God With Us.
2 Three Teaching Points of Advent – Sarah Bentley Allred https://bit.ly/2HMHfA2
3 The way we begin Advent is different. Each year, the First Sunday of Advent starts the church’s liturgical calendar, and our countdown to Christmas, with a set of haunting, apocalyptic readings https://buildfaith.org/apocalyptic-advent-in-the-season-of-merry-and-bright/
4 Advent Waiting Article explores three qualities of Advent waiting – expectant, requires us to make space, and is hopeful.
5 Waiting and Unknowing by Fr. Richard Rohr. Once Thanksgiving is over, we in the United States are rushed headlong into the Christmas season. Yet Advent was once (and still can be) a time of waiting, a time of hoping without knowing, a time of emptying so that we can be filled by the divine Presence.
6 Advent as an introvert Season – Advent is expectant and full of hope. “There’s also a solemn quality to the waiting — not dour or dreary — something grounded and okay with a close stillness, a quality that honors the waiting itself as sacred.” https://onbeing.org/blog/the-shoulder-season-of-advent/
7 Advent mediations from Living Compass. Read it here
The key word is “simplicity”. “We are talking about a practice of simplicity on a much deeper level. This is the kind of simplicity that people talk about when they describe being in the midst of a crisis, and then later report that the crisis has caused them to rethink their priorities, to focus on what is truly most essential in their lives.”
“So let us embrace whole-heartedly the season of Advent, along with these reflections, as the support we need to practice simplicity in a way that will help prepare us for the true meaning of Christmas.”
“The Living Compass Model for Well-Being offers us guidance in four dimensions of our being: heart, soul, strength, and mind. Our call is to live an undivided life, where heart, soul, strength, and mind are integrated into both our being and our doing.” Quotes begin on Page 44
1 The Neapolitan Crèche After the cross, the Nativity scene is Christianity’s most recognized symbol. Its history, art and spirituality have been embraced by cultures around the world for nearly two thousand years. This three-dimensional Nativity scene (crèche), tells the story of Jesus Christ’s birth using more than 200 painted terracotta figures staged in an elaborate environment inspired by 18th-century Naples. The Neapolitan Crèche
2 The Story of Silent Night – Classic Collection In the quiet of an Austrian winter, a young priest received heavenly inspiration to commemorate the most significant event in history by writing the world’s most beloved Christmas carol, “Silent Night.” https://youtu.be/nKn9wLLzha8
1 Luke’s canticles – Combines four stories from Luke with insights from artists, prayers, and hymns from around the world. Based on Songs in Waiting by Paul Chandler Luke’s Canticles
2 Matthew’s Infancy Stories. The other author of the infancy stories, much different than Luke above Matthew’s Infancy Stories
3 Christmas Carols – They surround us at Christmas. How much do you know about them? Christmas Carols
4 Handel’s Messiah, Prophesy and Birth of the Messiah. The premiere Christmas work with the music and text Handel’s Messsiah
5. Dickens : A Christmas Carol and the Bible. The premiere Christmas novel, here with the influence of the Bible and much of Dickens time Dickens : A Christmas Carol and the Bible
6. Renaissance Art and the Christmas StoryThe Renaissance became the first period where art portrayed scenes in the Christmas scriptures Renaissance Art and the Christmas Story
1 O Emmanuel A fresh exploration of the O Antiphons including traditional Advent and Christmas music. The album combines a jazz trio with children’s choir and adult voices in just the right mix of expectation and joy. https://music.apple.com/us/album/o-emmanuel/1151565367
2 Advent Lessons and Carols – National Cathedral The classic way to begin Advent – Scripture and music with a service for the season https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwR1FJ3-dts&t=3s
3. Still Forming Advent Meditations by Christianne Squires is a collection of audio meditations recorded by Christianne Squires for the Still Forming community, based on Jan Richardson’s book of blessings, Circle of Grace https://www.stillforming.com/still-forming-advent-meditations-2015
4 Spotify Play list Advent with Sacred Ordinary Days on Spotify. Listen and prepare for our Savior, with anticipation, longing and hope
1 Antiphons for Advent in English and Spanish for 2022 A devotional resource in English and Spanish created from antiphons that families and communities can use daily in Advent. The short liturgy includes a prayer for lighting candles of an Advent wreath.
An antiphon is the brief snippet of a psalm recited or chanted as a refrain at the beginning and/or end of a psalm or canticle. Antiphons were in use by the 5th century and are still in use during the services of daily prayer. The practice comes from the Jewish tradition of the congregation reciting, chanting, or singing together, the word referring to call-and-response type of singing. https://buildfaith.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Advent-Antiphons.ENG_.2022.pdf
2 Journey on the Way of love. Designed for Christian Formation (“Sunday School”). There are 4 sessions for the 4 weeks of Advent The Way of Love is based on a rule of life. The best known rule of life developed in Christian monastic communities is that of St Benedict, dating from the 6th century. https://www.episcopalchurch.org/journeying-way-love/
3 Families celebrate Advent and Christmas Families Celebrate Advent & Christmas is a colorful deck of cards that is full of rituals, prayers and reflections. Endlessly flexible for busy schedules, you can create a new after-meal ritual, use them as decorations, or carry them on the go. https://www.augsburgfortress.org/store/product/9781506495415/Families-Celebrate-Advent-and-Christmas-2023-24 Free promo pack at bottom!
4. Create an advent calendar Some favorites -Check out the lego one or the outdoor calendar. Some good projects! OR takes the one without prep- Way of Love 2023 calendar
5 Advent wreaths on a Budget In congregations that have tight budgets, making Advent wreaths with families may be out of reach. While making wreaths is a wonderful parish life event, buying the foam inserts, ring trays, five candles and four stakes can add up to a hefty sum. Here is an alternative solution https://buildfaith.org/99-cent-advent-wreath/
Here is another wreath article from Episcopal Relief that go up to $50 in cost.