We are a small Episcopal Church on the banks of the Rappahannock in Port Royal, Virginia. We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Port Royal, the Nandtaughtacund, and we respect and honor with gratitude the land itself, the legacy of the ancestors, and the life of the Rappahannock Tribe. Our mission statement is to do God’s Will in all that we do.

The History Page – Adult Education

Chronological Order

Embracing an Adult Faith – Fall, 2010
Adult Ed 9/12/2010 – God
Marcus Borg, vs N. T. Wright
Adult Ed 9/26/2010 – Jesus
Adult Ed 10/10/2010 Sin, Salvation and Redemption
Adult Ed 10/17/2010 Practice
Adult Ed 10/17/2010 Notes on Practice – Borg “Heart of Christianity”
Adult Ed 10/24/2010 Community

Adult Ed 10/31/2010 Dietrich Bonhoeffer – Brief Biography
Adult Ed 10/31/2010- Dietrich Bonhoeffer – from Life Together Chapter 1
Adult Ed 10/31/2010 Dietrich Bonhoeffer – from Life Together Chapter 4
Adult Ed 10/17/2010 Notes on Life Together

American Prayer Book – Fall, 2010, 1789-1979
Language of the Prayer Book
Opening the Prayer Book, Nov 7, 2010
Opening the Prayer Book Part 2, Nov 14, 2010

Prayer, Fall 2010
Simple Prayer
Prayer of Examen
Handouts, Adult Education, Dec 2

Isaiah, 2011
Introduction to Isaiah – Jan 9, 2011
Isaiah Chapter 1
Isaiah Chapter 2
Isaiah, Chapter 5
Isaiah, Chapter 6

Hidden Power of the Gospels, 2011 Alexander Shaia’s book The Hidden Power of the Gospels reveals how the recurring cycles of change, loss, enlightenment, and maturation are illuminated by the Bible’s four gospels. This study took up much of the first half of 2011.

Hidden Power of the Gospels – Integrating Gospel Study and Spiritual Journey
Hidden Power of the Gospels – Topic 1 Introduction
Hidden Power of the Gospels – Topic 1 Introduction
Hidden Power of the Gospels – Topic 1 Introduction
Background – Chronology of Gospel Composition
Background – Chronology of Lectionary Composition
Hidden Power of the Gospels – Topic 2
The “Q” Source
Hidden Power of the Gospels – Topic 3
Gospel Parallels
Topic 4 and 5 Hidden Power of the Gospels
Hidden Power of the Gospels – Topic 6 – Passages from Matthew
Hidden Power of the Gospels – Topic 7 & 8 – May 1, 2011
Hidden Power of the Gospels – Topic 9 – May 8, 2011
Hidden Power of the Gospels – Topic 1 Introduction to the Gospel of John
Hidden Power of the Gospels – Topic 11 – May 29, 2011
Hidden Power of the Gospels – Gospel of John, Part 3
Hidden Power of the Gospels- Gospel of Luke, Part 1
Hidden Power of the Gospels – Gospel of Luke, Part 2
Hidden Power of the Gospels – Gospel of Luke, Part 2
Hidden Power of the Gospels – Topics 16-18 Continuing the Spiritual Journey

God and the Mystery of Human Suffering, Feb 26, 2012 – April 1, 2012
Adult Ed – God and the Mystery of Human Suffering, Part 1 – Feb 26 & Mar 4, 2012
Adult Ed – God and the Mystery of Human Suffering, Part 2 – Mar 11, 2012
Adult Ed – God and the Mystery of Human Suffering, Part 3 – Mar 18, 2012
Adult Ed – God and the Mystery of Human Suffering, Part 4 – Mar 25, 2012
God and the Mystery of Human Suffering, Part 5, April 1, 2012

Islam beyond the Headlines
Islam Beyond the Headlings: Part 1 Islam as a Religion
TLC – “All American Muslim”
Islam Beyond the Headlines: Part 2 Islam in America
Islam Beyond the Headlines: Part 3 Islam in the World
Islam Beyond the Headlines: Part 3 Islam in the World – Timeline

Adult Education – 2012-2013

History of Christianity: The First 3,000 Years
This was a book and video series by Diarmaid MacCulloch, Professor of the History of the Church at the University of Oxford.
History of Christianity: The First 3,000 Years
Christianity: First 3000 years – Part 1 and 2
Christianity 3,000 years – Opening Handout
Christianity: First 3000 years – Transcripts Part 3 & 4 – Catholicism
Christianity: First 3000 years – Transcripts Part 5 & 6 – Orthodoxy
Christianity: First 3000 years – Transcripts Part 7 & 8 – Protestant Reformation
Christianity: First 3000 years – Transcripts Part 9 & 10 – Protestantism
Christianity: First 3000 years – Transcripts Part 10 & 11 – “God in the Dock”

Infancy Stories
Introduction to Luke’s Infancy Narrative
Luke’s Canticles
Combines four stories from Luke with insights from artists, prayers, and hymns from around the world. Based on Songs in Waiting by Paul Chandler

Matthew’s Infancy stories
The other author of the infancy stories, much different than Luke above

The Messiah
Handel’s Messiah – Advent -Part 1 -COMFORT, COMFORT MY PEOPLE
Handel’s Messiah 2 – “Who May Abide the Day of His Coming?”
Handel’s Messiah 3 – “For Unto Us A Child is Born”
Handel’s Messiah – Advent –Part 4 – “Glory to God in the Highest”

The Presentation

Christmas Carols
Christmas Carols They surround us at Christmas. How much do you know about them?

Dickens : A Christmas Carol and the Bible. The premiere Christmas novel, here with the influence of the Bible and much of Dickens time. Christmas Carol and the Bible

Renaissance Art and the Bible The Renaissance became the first period where art portrayed scenes in the Christmas scriptures Renaissance Art and the Bible

Emergence Christianity
Emergence Christianity, an Introduction
Diana Butler Bass – Christianity after Religion, Christianity for the Rest of Us
Phyllis Tickle – The Great Emergence
Brian McLaren – A New Kind of Christianity
Emergence Christianity – Spiritual Practices

Feasting with Jesus, 2013
Feasting with Jesus – The Sabbath Feast
Feasting with Jesus – Details of each week
Feasting with Jesus – A First Century Family Dinner
Feasting with Jesus – A Banquet feast
Feasting with Jesus – The Wedding Feast
The Todah Feast
Feasting with Jesus – Seder Supper, March 28, 2013 – 5pm
Return of “Feasting with Jesus”
Feasting with Jesus – The Harvest Feast, Oct 10, 6pm
Feasting with Jesus on Agriculture, Oct. 10, 2013

Forgivesness 2013 – Frank Desiderio
Forgiveness, Adult Christian Ed
Forgiveness, Session 1
Forgiveness, Part 2
Forgiveness, Part 3
Forgiveness, Session 4
Forgiveness, Session 5

Forgiveness, 2014- Desmond Tutu
Forgiveness, Part 1
Forgiveness, Part 2
Forgiveness, Part 3
Forgiveness, Part 4
Forgiveness, Part 5

Climate Change – Six Degrees – Our Life on a Hotter Planet, 2013
Part 1 – Climate Change -Spiritual Reflections on Nature and Humankind
Part 2 Climate Change – Evidence
Part 3 The Effects of Climate Change – The Forests
A Summary of Conclusions from Six Degrees – Our Life on a Hotter Planet – Mark Lynas
Climate Change recap April 28, 2013

Affirming our Faith.
Affirming our Faith
Notes from “Affirming our Faith”, May 26, 2013
Notes from “Affirming our Faith”, June 2, 2013
Notes from “Affirming our Faith”, June 9, 2013
Notes from “Affirming our Faith”, June 16, 2013

Paul and Galatians
Paul and Galatians, Part 1 – Who was Paul?
Paul and Galatians, Part 2 – 6 major elements in Paul’s Thought
Paul and Galatians, Part 3 -What circumstances gave rise to this letter ?

The Bread Retreat, Sept. 2013
Bread, Bread, Bread!
The “Bread Retreat”, Sat. Sept 28, 9am Parish House

A Thrill of Hope, an Advent Study
A Thrill of Hope, an Advent Study
A Thrill of Hope, an Advent Study, Parts 1, 2 and 3
A Thrill of Hope, an Advent Study, Parts 4, 5 and 6
Thrill of Hope, Parts 1,2,3 – TEST
Thrill of Hope, Advent Adult Ed

Making Sense of the Cross- Lenten online study
Making Sense of the Cross – Lenten online study

Frog and Toad visit St. Peter’s in Lent
Frog and Toad visit St. Peter’s in Lent
Arnold Lobel – How he came to write the “Frog and Toad” stories
Frog and Toad discussion of the “Garden”, March 12, 2014
Frog and Toad discussion of the “Kite”, March 26, 2014

Singing Mary’s Song, Advent 2014
Singing Mary’s Song
“Singing Mary’s Song” – Author’s introduction
“Singing Mary’s Song”, Week 1
Singing Mary’s Song, Week 1, Nov. 23, 2014
Singing Mary’s Song, Week 2, Nov. 30, 2014
Singing Mary’s Song, Week 3
Singing Mary’s Song, Week 4

Lenten Prayer Practices, 2015
Lenten Prayer Practices
Lenten Prayer Practices, March 1, Lectio Divina
Evening Prayer Instructions from St Francis de Sales

A Lenten Study 2015: It’s Time to Stop, Pray, Work, Play & Love
A Lenten Study 2015: It’s Time to Stop, Pray, Work, Play & Love
Lent, 2015 : It’s time to… Stop, Pray, Work, Play & Love – Signup now!
It’s time to… Pray
It’s time to … STOP
It’s time to … WORK
It’s time to … PLAY
It’s time to…Love

How to Pray the Daily Office from the Book of Common Prayer
How to Pray the Daily Office (Part 2) – Introducing the Book of Common Prayer
How to Pray the Daily Office from the Book of Common Prayer (Part 3) – The Opening
How to Pray the Daily Office from the Book of Common Prayer (Part 4) – The Psalms
How to Pray the Daily Office from the Book of Common Prayer (Part 5) – Readings
How to Pray the Daily Office from the Book of Common Prayer (Part 6) – The Prayers

Growing the Rule of Life, Lent, 2016
Growing the Rule of Life, Lent 2016

The Altarpiece, 2016
St. Peter’s Altarpiece
The Altarpiece, part 2 – Problems and solutions
Altarpiece review continued Feb 3, 2015
All About the Altarpiece and its Restoration
Altarpiece Presentation – A Tour
Altarpiece Presentation – The condition – an overview
Altarpiece Presentation – The condition – Details
Altarpiece Timeline
Altarpiece – Retrospective
Gray and Pendleton – Altarpiece connection
Richmond Conservation Studio – Altarpiece Final Report
Five Marks of Lover
5 Marks of Love, Lent 2017

The Book of Revelation, Lent, 2018
The Book of Revelation – introduction

History of Parish Retreats with Christ Episcopal

Behold! Proclaim! and Rejoice, Dec. 2018
Behold! Proclaim! and Rejoice
Details of the sessions

Creating a Scene in Corinth, Lent 2019
Details of the Corinth simulation
Creating an Agape Meal
Lent Christian Ed

Way of Beauty Retreat, Nov. 2019
Way of Beauty Retreat

Genesis – Epiphany, 2020
1. Genesis Sunday schedule
2. Notes, Session 1, Jan 12 – Introduction
3. Notes, Session 2, Jan 19 – the Garden
4. Notes, Session 3, Jan 26 – Noah
5. Notes, Session 4, Feb. 2 – God’s Promises to Abram
6. Notes, Session 5, Feb. 9 – Hagar, Mother of Many Nations
7. Notes, Session 6, Feb. 16 – God Visits Abraham and Sarah
8. Notes, Session 7, Feb. 23 – The rest of Abraham’s story
9. Notes, Session 8, March 1 – The Courtship of Rebekah
10. Notes, Session 9, March 8 – Rachel’s Story Continues: A Blended Family
11.Notes, Session 10, March 15 – Return to Bethel
12. Notes, Session 11, March 22 – Judah’s Sexual Ethics

Sign of Life – Lent, 2020
Signs of Life

Sacred Ground, Aug 13 – Oct. 15, 2020
1. About Sacred Ground
2. Sacred Ground Description
3. Syllabus

Come, Pray – The Prayer I Need This Day – from SSJE.org, Lent 2021
Come, Pray

Sacred Ground Group, Aug, 2021
Sacred Ground reading books

Preparing Your Legacy, 2022
Session 1

Growing in the Wilderness – Diocese of Atlanta, Lent, 2022
Growing in the Wilderness

The Psalms study, Lent 2022
Psalms Study

The Lord’s Prayer, 2023- SSJE.org
Lord’s Prayer

Jesus Makes the Difference, Lent, 2023, Diocese of Atlanta
Jesus Makes the Difference

The Creeds, 2024
Notes from 5 sessions