April, 2024 brought 77 people to the Village Harvest. it was the 3rd lowest total over the year and is below March’s 90. 77 is also below the 6th-month average of 98. Our range over the 6 months has extended from 77 to 112 in December 2023. A year ago in April, the total was 104.
Food sources were also lower at 1,242 pounds in April compared to 1,322 pounds last month. Like the client totals food was the 3rd lowest in a year. However, unlike with clients, April’s total was above the 12-month average. 1,242 pounds was above the 6th month average of 1,217. A year ago in April 2023 pounds were higher at 1,365.
The composition of food in April, 2024 was closer to other Aprils (except for April 2023) at 38% produce, 45%, and 17% meat. (Last year, April 2023, produce was significantly higher at 51% ). Generally, grocery has been higher than produce by 10 percentage points at this time of the year
Pounds per person is a measure that tries to relate client and food trends. How much food did the typical client receive? Despite the totals being lower in both clients and pounds this month, pounds per person were at a 12-month high at 16.1. The 6 months average is 13 as was a year ago in April, 2023. Pounds per person was at the highest level since July 2023 at 16.75. As Elizabeth remarked “Low numbers, however they got a lot of nice stuff.”