We are a small Episcopal Church on the banks of the Rappahannock in Port Royal, Virginia. We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Port Royal, the Nandtaughtacund, and we respect and honor with gratitude the land itself, the legacy of the ancestors, and the life of the Rappahannock Tribe. Our mission statement is to do God’s Will in all that we do.

Village Harvest – 6 months 2024

2nd Quarter 2024 was positive for the Village Harvest in almost every category which boosted year to date trends for six months.

For the year St. Peter’s served 575 clients the best in the 4 years, 2021-2024 (compared to 480, 543, and 535 in earlier years. Growth for 6 months in 2024 was 20% compared to (12%) a year ago. Second Quarter 2024, client growth only was 8% (compared to 6% and 3%, previous 2 years.)

Pounds provided grew significantly in the  2nd Quarter. For the year, St. Peter’s has provided 7,539 in 2024 compared to 6,370 in 2023. It is slightly below 2022 and 2021 at 7,590 and 7,664.

2024 growth was 18% compared to a decrease of (16%) in 2023 and (1%) in 2022. If the 2nd quarter only is considered, then 2024 is the best 2nd quarter in pounds provided in the 2021-2024 period.

Pounds per client in 2024 still lags in earlier years. For the 6 month period 2024 pounds per client was 13.1 under last year at 13.3 and the previous 2 years over 14 pounds.  If the 2nd quarter only is considered pounds was client 14.4 and the best in the 2021-2024 time period.

Looking at the composition of foods, there is another favorable trend. If we combine produce and grocery, it is up from 79% to 83% from 2023 to 2024 and 65% in 2022. These are basic staples and sustainable foods and exclude meat and drinks.

Costs were the highest over the period at $566 for the 2nd quarter compared to $500 last year.  For the year they total to $1,077 compared to $1,004 in 2023. Cost growth was 7%, highter than the previous two years at (4%) 2023, 1% in 2022.

Clients and food relate directly to those receiving food. The issue of costs is significant to an operation like the Village Harvest which runs not off parishioner pledges but restricted or special giving.

Costs are directly related to pounds of food purchased. The actual costs per pound have decreased in 2024.  Costs per pound for half year 2024 were $0.14  and lower than $0.16 for 2023. $0.14 is the same for 2022 but above $0.13 in 2021.

Thus, at half year June, 2024, the higher cost relate more to the volume of food purchased and not increasing cost per per pounds.