We are a small Episcopal Church on the banks of the Rappahannock in Port Royal, Virginia. We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Port Royal, the Nandtaughtacund, and we respect and honor with gratitude the land itself, the legacy of the ancestors, and the life of the Rappahannock Tribe. Our mission statement is to do God’s Will in all that we do.

Gospel of Mark, Jesus Early Ministry, June- July, 2024, Year B

The Big Picture – 8 Sundays from the Gospel extending from the Sunday after Trinity through most of July get into the heart of Jesus’ message in the early phases of his ministry.

From the SALT Blog the basic idea if that “the ‘kingdom,’ the ‘reign,’ the “realm” of God has come near — near enough that we can reach out and touch it. It’s not somewhere else; it’s here.” The Gospel messages highlight characteristics of Jesus’ ministry:

What’s important ?
1. Love
2. Restoration, healing, joy and hope
3. Growth
4. Confrontation forces of evil
5. Faith
6. Hospitality
7. Warning about hardships
8. Feeding and Compassion




Mark 2:23-3:6


Sabbath- Jesus is  Love=. Jesus’ operating principle is that the Sabbath ( and the law and the rituals of holiness) was created for humanity, and not the other way around. ’ In that sense, God is chiefly known as love and the laws and purity rituals are for humanity’s own good

Mark 3:20-35


Homecoming, Restoration -Mark 3:20-35 tells of Jesus’ homecoming after he called his first disciples and the reception he received. People had begun to talk about Jesus and were spreading some rumors and tales, including that Jesus was possessed by Beelzebul. Jesus, who is doing good works, cannot be possessed by a demon, for what he is doing is the complete opposite of what demonic forces would do. Demonic forces would destroy, bring pain and anguish and despair; Jesus brings restoration, healing, joy and hope.

Mark 4:26-34


Seeds and growth – The reign of God grows on its own, like the miracle of a seed growing in the earth. We scatter seed — that’s our role. The seeds grow, however, whether within us or outside us, by God’s grace alone. the realm of God grows from a tiny, even infinitesimal start to a wild, widespread, thriving, beautiful future

Mark 4:35-41


Confrontation – First, the story suggests that the world’s death-dealing forces aren’t limited to afflicted individuals; they are also much larger, interpersonal, communal phenomena, more like enveloping storms than personal maladies. And second, the story suggests that the essence of Jesus’ mission is to confront such forces — not with military might, but with a calm, courageous campaign of healing and liberation. Jesus is in the boat with us

Mark 5:21-43


Faith – Jesus brings the daughter of Jairus, a synagogue official, back to life in anticipation of his own resurrection.


Mark 6:1-13


Discipleship, Part 1, Hospitality = Jesus is rejected in his hometown, and he sends out the disciples two by two to spread the good news.- They are Apostles – those sent out on mission. This passage also gives us a glimpse into the importance of hospitality in the mission of the  early church. 

Mark 6:14-29


Discipleship, Part 2, Warnings – Mark recounts the death of John the Baptist. The fate of John serves as a warning about the hardships that disciples will also face after Jesus’ death. His message is clear: there is no privileged form of discipleship. Sharing in Jesus’ mission will always cost.

Mark 6:30-34, 53-56


Feeding  and Compassion – The first part of the passage describes the feeding of the 5000.   The setting is a “deserted place” where Jesus and the disciples had gone to rest.    The crowds find him and Jesus’ compassion leads him to feed all of the “5000”.

The second passage takes place in the region of the Gennesaret which is on the west side of the Sea of Galilee. Jesus heals those who have gathered for healing.