Palm Sunday is a unique Sunday with its range of emotions from jubilation and excitement at the beginning from the procession to the let down and horror during the Passion Story. The music also taps the wide range of emotions. Jesus is demonstrating his mission and the crowd believes that Jesus is the Messiah and that means that he will re-establish David’s kingdom. Fast forward to the passion reading which encompasses holy week. By Good Friday, many of those who were welcoming Jesus were now ready to crucify him
Palm Sunday is like a play with 6 scenes based on the 6 divisions within the image below. Hover on it and then click on one of the scenes to take you to a page with more information. The pages have a mixture of text, slides and videos. Based on event order:
- Liturgy of the Palms
- Procession
- Processional hymn – “All Glory Laud and Honor”
- Hymn based on Philippians reading – Philippians 2:5-11
- Passion Reading
- Sermon based on Palm Sunday symbols