We are a small Episcopal Church on the banks of the Rappahannock in Port Royal, Virginia. We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Port Royal, the Nandtaughtacund, and we respect and honor with gratitude the land itself, the legacy of the ancestors, and the life of the Rappahannock Tribe. Our mission statement is to do God’s Will in all that we do.

Sunday Links, Aug. 13, 2023, Pentecost 11

Today is the famous story of Jesus walking on water. We receive a special visitor

  • Web site
  • YouTube St. Peter’s Page for viewing services
  • Facebook St. Peter’s Page
  • Location – 823 Water Street, P. O. Box 399, Port Royal, Virginia 22535

  • Before and After the July 29 storm

  • Sun. Aug. 13, 2023, 11am Eucharist YouTube 823 Water St. Port Royal, VA 22535
  • Lectionary Aug. 13, Pentcost 11, Lectionary lnk
  • Aug 13. Welcome Annette Steele, Principal of the Victoria Primary School in Jamaica. We have supported the school since 2021.

  • There will be a lunch after the service in the Parish House. Following lunch, all are invited to come to the Davis residence from 2-5 PM for a time of renewal, recreation, and refreshments. During our time together, we will consider our baptisms and renew our baptismal vows, and those who would like to experience what baptism by John the Baptist might have been like will have that opportunity.

  • Celebrating the Virgin Mary, Aug. 15
  • Ecumenical Bible Study, Wed., Aug. 16, 10am-12pm, Parish House

    Reading Lectionary for Aug. 20, Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

  • Aug., 2023 Newsletter
  • All articles for Sunday, Aug. 13, 2023
  • A Full day of Church with Annette Steele’s visit to St. Peter’s and the Youth pool party all afternoon. We have photo galleries and some videos of both.

    We had 33 at service which was encouraging. Hightlights would have to be the announcements which centered on outreach for Jamaica and our mission trip. Annette Steele was here from the elementry school to underscore the need for mission. Mission trips are wonderful since both sides find benefits. Another area need support was Hawaii. We provided informatin in the bulletin and on this website how to provide assistance for Hawaii after the wild fire.

    We had numerous visitors in support of Jamaica and Annette Steele’s visit. The luncheon was provide by numerous parishioners.