We are a small Episcopal Church on the banks of the Rappahannock in Port Royal, Virginia. We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Port Royal, the Nandtaughtacund, and we respect and honor with gratitude the land itself, the legacy of the ancestors, and the life of the Rappahannock Tribe. Our mission statement is to do God’s Will in all that we do.

Sunday Links for August 7, 2022 – Pentecost 9

Aug.7, 11:00am – Eucharist


  • Zoom link for Aug.7
  • Bulletin Aug. 7, 2022
  • Lectionary for Aug. 7, 2022, Pentecost 9
  • Sermon for Aug. 7, 2022, Pentecost 9
  • Videos for Aug. 7, 2022, Pentecost 9
  • Photos for Aug. 7, 2022, Pentecost 9

  • All articles for Aug. 7, 2022
  • This Week

  • Village Dinner, Wed, Aug 10, 4:30pm,-6 PM. Take out only this month due to high Covid rates. Call Susan Linne von Berg to make your reservation. 804-742-5233.

    15 in house and 10 online. Two of our members have COVID returning from a summer trip.COVID have shifted our events as local numbers are up. Today was a return to masks. Wed for the Village dinner will be take out.

    This was first Sunday and coffee hour was all tomatoes. Johnny brought tomatoes from the garden and Cookie made stuffed tomatoes with many delights from the Summer. A summer delight!

    The key words this week in the lectionary are “faith” and “waiting.” Faith is about trust in things unseen – the trust in the reality of the relationship with, and the promises of, God is especially exemplified by Abraham.

    In the Gospel, we need to be ready and waiting for Christ to come in a new way. Paired with the parable of the Rich Fool from last week, we once again are reminded that living for the ways of the world is foolish.

    So what shall the faithful Christian do? First of all, “have no fear”. The promise from God is that the kingdom will be given to those who believe. What follows are two images: be properly dressed for action and movement, and take a flashlight, ready to move and to see when the Bridegroom comes. We are called to expect the unexpected and be ready to act.