We are a small Episcopal Church on the banks of the Rappahannock in Port Royal, Virginia. We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Port Royal, the Nandtaughtacund, and we respect and honor with gratitude the land itself, the legacy of the ancestors, and the life of the Rappahannock Tribe. Our mission statement is to do God’s Will in all that we do.

Way of Love, 2018

 Way of Love

(full size gallery)

A July 5, 2018 sermon by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry to General Convention meeting in Austin, Tx introduced the "Way of Love", spiritual practices to "help our church to go deeper as the Jesus Movement, not just in word, but not just in deed, either, but for real. How do we help our folk to throw themselves into the arms of Jesus."

There are 7 practices – Turn, Learn, Pray, Worship, Bless, Go, Rest.

Bishop Curry described how this developed:

"Several months ago, I invited a group of Episcopalians, clergy, laity, bishops, just a kind of a group of folk, and I asked them to come and meet, if they would just come and spend just a little bit of time to help me think and pray through how do we help our church to go deeper as the Jesus Movement, not just in word, but not just in deed, either, but for real. How do we help our folk to throw themselves into the arms of Jesus? How do you help me to do that? …We brought them together and asked, help us. And this is what they came up with.

"Jesus said in Matthew’s Gospel, “The scribe who is fit for the Kingdom goes into their treasure box and pulls out something old that becomes something new.” And we realized that we already have what we need in the tradition of the church going back centuries.

"For centuries monastic communities and religious communities and people of faith who have gone deeper in this faith have lived by what they often call a rule of life; a set of spiritual practices that they make a commitment to live in, practices that help them open up the soul, open up the spirit, helped them find their way, a way of throwing yourself into the arms of God. They’ve been doing this for long, you don’t believe me ask St. Benedict. They’ve been doing this a long time and we realized, what would happen, what would happen, if we asked every Episcopalian to adopt what we’re calling a way of love, practices for a Jesus-centered life. What would happen? And we got folk together, some of the monastic communities helped us out, some of the theological scholars helped us out. People who do formation in the church people who know how to do…we have what we need. It’s sitting in this room. It’s in the church. We brought them together and asked, help us. And this is what they came up with.

"I want to ask you to think about a commitment. I want to ask not only you, but every Episcopalian to make a commitment to throw yourself into the hands of Jesus. And then live life out of that. And these tools may help you. Now somebody’s wondering, will it work?

"Bonhoeffer says the key is not to turn the teachings of Jesus into a new law. The key is to throw yourself into the arms of God. Throw yourself into the hands of Jesus. And then, you might actually learn to love an enemy. Then you might pray for those who curse you. Then you know what it means to be blessed. The poor. The poor in spirit. The compassionate. Makes them hunger for God’s justice.

"To throw yourself into the arms of Jesus.

"Got my hand on the Gospel plow!
"Wouldn’t take nothin’ for the journey now
"Just keep your eyes on the prize!
"Hold on! Hold on!

"Keep your eyes on that prize!

"Hold on"


1. Key documents

A. Original sermon video

B. Written sermon

C. Way of Love Introduction to the Ideas

D. 3 minute video on the Way of Love

2. Exploring the Way of Love

3. Episcopal News Service article

4. Way of Love Catcher

5. Resources from the Diocese of Rhode Island

6. Integrating the Way of Love into our weekly calendar

7. Series – “Traveling the Way of Love” video series Join host Chris Sikkema as he meets Episcopalians and others across the Church traveling the Way of Love