We are a small Episcopal Church on the banks of the Rappahannock in Port Royal, Virginia. We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Port Royal, the Nandtaughtacund, and we respect and honor with gratitude the land itself, the legacy of the ancestors, and the life of the Rappahannock Tribe. Our mission statement is to do God’s Will in all that we do.

UTO Spring Ingathering, May 13- June 3, 2018

The mission of the United Thank Offering is to expand the circle of thankful people.

Over 125 years ago,  the United Thank Offering was founded  as a women’s ministry to help individuals pay more attention to the spiritual blessings in their lives by making small thank offerings to support innovative ministries in the Church for which the church budget had not yet expanded to fund. 

The offering raises over $3 million. Where does the money go? Every penny goes to grants that focus on meeting compelling human needs and to expand the mission and ministry of the church at home and throughout the world. 

Young Adult grants were offered for 2018. In Virginia, New Church Community at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church Diocese of Virginia won $2,500 Coming out of a summer of tumult and resistance in Charlottesville, many people in separate corners of the community have begun longing for a worshiping community that gives strength for the journey as activists of faith. The Charis Community hopes to answer that longing by starting a weekly worship service at an underused chapel.

Thoughts for your UTO Blue Box:   

Give thanks this day for your own health. Drop a coin in your Blue Box as you give thanks and pray for the continued health and improved health of those you love.

Give thanks this day for friendship with others. Drop a coin in your Blue Box as you give thanks and pray for your friendship with others. 

Give thanks this day for the UTO’s work with mission by contributing to their work. Check out the following grants that have been supported by the UTO.  

Get a box May 13 or after, write a check to “St. Peter’s- UTO” and continue the work of this vital ministry. We accept them until June 3

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