We are a small Episcopal Church on the banks of the Rappahannock in Port Royal, Virginia. We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Port Royal, the Nandtaughtacund, and we respect and honor with gratitude the land itself, the legacy of the ancestors, and the life of the Rappahannock Tribe. Our mission statement is to do God’s Will in all that we do.

Trinity Sunday, June 11, 2017

  Sunday, June 11, 2017, Trinity Sunday (full size gallery)

Work this week began on the campanile, that structure that used to house the bell tower.  It has become weak through deterioration.  It should be considered a historical structure, a direct connection to the past and a solution to a thorny problem on how to handle lightning strike.  See this article on its historical basis.

We replayed the streamers last week during the sequence hymn. The children helped clean them up afterwards.  

We celebrated Mike and Marilyn’s 46th wedding anniversary. 

Becky spoke on Vacation Bible School which begins in a week and center around Harry Potter. She still needs some "lunch angels."

Cookie spoke on her upcoming trip to the Dominican Republic. She will be bearing gifts from the ECW to help Luis Garcia.  He visited St. Peter’s at Christmas 2011 and is now a priest in a poorer section of the country.  He has not finished college and needs funds to do so.

We greeted Shirley and Susan Onderdonk. Susan provided the music for the May Shrine Mont retreat and has been a friend of St. Peter’s over the year.

The Trinity which we celebrate this week on Trinity Sunday, is one of the great examples to counter the tendency of some Christians to see God as apathetic, a-historical, and unchanging in contrast to the passionate, evolving, and transitory world of time and space.  It was one of the last doctrines to be defined by the church.

God is constantly doing something new, and God is constantly being revealed to us in new ways. God is still speaking through the acts of creation, which Wisdom (which also has at times been interpreted as the Holy Spirit in the New Testament) is part.

The key to the Trinity is not worrying about understanding it fully but to see what it is doing – Creating, Redeeming, Sustaining – remembering the promise at the end of Matthew – God’s promise in Christ to be with us and for us always, to help us believe that promise, and to encourage us to live in the confidence it grants.

Today’s readings allude to the triune God. In Genesis, God’s Spirit moves—and creation comes into being. Alluding to all three Persons of the Trinity, Paul concludes his letter to the Corinthians with a familiar blessing. Jesus commissions his disciples to baptize all nations in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Paul’s reading in Corinthians is the most direct connection to the Trinity. Paul concludes his second letter to the church in Corinth with an exhortation to be reconciled to one another. The exchange of the “holy kiss” (v. 12), the customary Eastern embrace, became a regular feature of the early liturgy, signaling the reconciliation of the community members. The closing formula expresses a three-fold understanding of Christian experience: grace received through Jesus leads one to the Father’s love, which is expressed through the Spirit.

Matthew’s readings are the Great Commission. This Great Commission gathers up the themes that Matthew has woven throughout his work. Jesus’ ministry begins and ends on a mountain in Galilee, the place of revelation. There he inaugurates the mission of the Church.

Jesus makes a declaration, delivers a command and gives a promise. He has now received the authority of the exalted Son of Man and gives it to his disciples.

He commands them to make disciples of “all nations,” removing the geographical and ethnic restriction of Jesus’ own ministry and of the disciples’ previous mission. Jesus now extends the full range of his ministry to them. They are to spread the good news of God’s grace in Christ with the world through word and deed and welcoming all into fellowship through Baptism by keeping in mind the great promise. Before they had been commissioned only to preach and heal, now they are to teach all that Jesus commanded them.

The earliest accounts of baptism mention only baptism in Jesus’ name, but the living experience of the baptized assembly led to the trinitarian formula as expressing the full reality of the new life.

Finally Jesus promises to the disciples his ongoing presence. The pledge of his name, God is with us. Note that it is not in the future tense.

Christ is with us. Encouraging us, comforting us, working with us, guiding us, granting us the grace and courage necessary to be the people of God in the world right now. One God in three persons whose shared, mutual, and sacrificial love spills out into the world and all its inhabitants. Promises bind us together, they provide hope, and they create courage to live with each other, support each other, forgive each other, and encourage each other.

The sermon related Trinity to the natural world of photosynthesis.

"So now, at the end of the fourth day, God has provided the three things—- air, water, and sunlight–necessary for the process of photosynthesis, the process by which the earth will spring into sustaining life.

"It takes all three things—air, light, and water—for the process of photosynthesis to take place so that this tree can live and grow and produce fruit.

"We need all three “persons” of the Trinity to live and grow into the people of love that God hopes we will become.

"We need the living water—Jesus Christ—the living water of his love drawn up through our very roots—we put our roots down deep into the aquifer of the living water of Jesus’ love for us, so that we can be deeply rooted people of love.

"We need the Holy Breath, the wind of the spirit, to fill our lungs, so that we can breathe out love on the world, not only through our words, but through our actions as well.

"And we need the energy of God the Father’s light, to take the living water and holy breath and turn it into fruit that will nourish not only us, but all of those around us, so that we can produce the fruits of the spirit that Paul spells out in his letter to the Galatians and grow in love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, and grow so well that we can share the abundance of these fruits out in the world."

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