We are a small Episcopal Church on the banks of the Rappahannock in Port Royal, Virginia. We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Port Royal, the Nandtaughtacund, and we respect and honor with gratitude the land itself, the legacy of the ancestors, and the life of the Rappahannock Tribe. Our mission statement is to do God’s Will in all that we do.

The Village Harvest Returns in July!

From left to right – (1) Working with the cold boxes (2) Chart of pounds distributed in July over 5 years with 2020 the largest (3) Johnny Davis contributed corn from his own field (4) We gave out food but also prayed with clients.

We resumed the Village Harvest food distribution on July 15 after a 3 month hiatus from April-June due to the pandemic. It was a great restart!

The count of clients was off at 77. A year ago it was 101 and for the 3 first months of 2020 we averaged 103.

One advantage is that the shoppers who came received a abundance of food! Cookie Davis noted the “truck was full and overflowing.” There was 1,733 pounds, the largest food inventory since March, 2019 at 2,111. It was also the largest July supply over 5 years comparing the single month. The selection was varied – 42% produce, 27% grocery 15% meat, 15% dairy.

One notable contribution was that Johnny Davis went to his field to supplement the produce – He picked 245 ears of corn! Elizabeth contributed a scripture passage from Philippians, and an original prayer.

Details of the distribution include the following:
35 whole chicken
70 chicken breast tenders. 2 each
35 boxes mixed veg tuna etc., boxed & ready to give out
72 cans beef stew. 2 each
72 cans green beans. 2 each
40 bags cereal
24 boxes mixed cheese,butter -share

The distribution amounted to 22.5 pounds per person well above other July figures. At $6 value per pound – that is a whopping $135 value for July compared to July, 2019 at $85.

Even looking at the year as a whole, the distribution is significant. The four month average is 12.88 pounds per person just below 2019 at 14.25. During 4 months we have distributed just under 5,000 pounds which is in the middle of the distribution during the last 5 years.

Thanks to all who volunteered Cookie and Johnny Davis, Eunice Key, Andrea Pogue, Elizabeth Heimbach, Phil Fitzhugh, Jamie Jenkins Catherine Hicks, and Becky Fisher (on standby) and also those who shopped.

To keep social distancing, it was a drive through distribution.

The Heimbachs took the food that was left to Caroline County Social Services food pantry.

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