We are a small Episcopal Church on the banks of the Rappahannock in Port Royal, Virginia. We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Port Royal, the Nandtaughtacund, and we respect and honor with gratitude the land itself, the legacy of the ancestors, and the life of the Rappahannock Tribe. Our mission statement is to do God’s Will in all that we do.

The Christmas Play 2011-2018

A St. Peter’s tradition – a Christmas play that involves not only children but much of the congregation. This tradition began in the 1990’s under the Rev. Karen Woodruff when there were many children in the parish. Here is a picture from 1999

2018 is at least the 20th year of the Christmas Play. The play is not the same script from year to year but is written each year.

The location is not just Israel. In 2013 it was Renaissance Italy in the 13th century. The play has sometimes focused on a particular character Angel Gabriel one year and Mary (a younger and older) in 2012 and 2013, respectively.

Many of the productions are a grand sweep of events – combining both Matthew and Luke. Looking carefully, you can see the children who are always part of the play growing up before you. Yes, it seems we have a candidate for a real baby Jesus from year to year.

Here are some of the links which have the pictures and description. In the later years we have videos

2011. The play was based on a variety of readings

2012. The play focused on the Angel Gabriel. Gabriel was also in the 1999 play picture above

2013. The focus on Mary both an elder and younger

2014. This play was a return to the entire story.

2015. Possibly the most unique and creative one. It was set in 13th Century Italy

2016. This play told the entire story from Luke and Matthew

2016 videos First year with Video.

2017. Played centered around the Gospel reading for this Sunday starting with John the Baptist with a mixture of traditions from Luke and Matthew.

2017 videos


The play was called “The Greatest Gift” and like the 2015 play which had a 13th Century Italy setting this one has unique setting – an old folks home! The church had signs on the front door that said “Old Folks Homes.” The main characters were played by parishioners who are not considered old folks yet. The Old folks lament that they can’t do the things they used to do at Christmas – put out the creche or they miss people who have died. Families seem too busy to visit. The play revolves around the Christmas story that is a play within a play. The old folks discover like the wiseman that they have a unique gift that they can offer to show God’s glory. They don’t have to fear old age and death with Jesus as the light of the world.

2018 videos