Shred-It, May 8, 2015 (full size gallery)
This was the 4th year of bringing our paper clutter to St. Peter’s to be professionally shred. It allows people to dispose of private, confidential documents securely There were stories of people bringing tax records, estate records, bills etc. to be shred that went back decades. We encouraged a donation of $5 a bag all to go to St. Peter’s outreach ministries.
It was a beautiful spring afternoon in Port Royal in the high 70’s under full sunshine. The iris were mostly in full bloom – all colors – yellow, purple, shades of red. It was not only Shred-It but the 70th anniversary of VE (Victory in Europe) day. A salute goes out to those who fought and worked for that effort.
This year we collected $328 at Shred-It. After paying the Shred-it truck $225 we came out with a profit of $103 for St. Peter’s Outreach ministries. This wasn’t as good as last year but a wonderful contribution to help us give back to others,
Thank you Andrea Pogue for your leadership over these 4 years. Andrea not only negotiates for the truck but also promotes the project to friends, businesses, St. Peter’s and other churches. She distributes fliers and engages others in conversation and serves food for the event. A wonderful spring afternoon to help the environment and a good time for fellowship.