We are a small Episcopal Church on the banks of the Rappahannock in Port Royal, Virginia. We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Port Royal, the Nandtaughtacund, and we respect and honor with gratitude the land itself, the legacy of the ancestors, and the life of the Rappahannock Tribe. Our mission statement is to do God’s Will in all that we do.

Congregational Meeting – Jan 16, 2011 – Senior Warden Report – Congregational Meeting

Senior Warden Report

Alex Long

With thanksgiving to God, another year of challenges and opportunities has been successfully met at our small church, the church with a great heart. We began 2010 with a void from the retirement of our beloved priest, John Wall, and a large hole in the roof, from the belfry project.

Early in the year, a smell in the church grew to be intolerable and one chilly Sunday morning, all the doors were opened wide to get rid of the smell, which brought the cold in, which made the heater run more, which made the dead cat, that was next to the heater, smell more. Our guest priest, the Reverend Lee Moore, was allergic to the pollen that flowed into the church from the wide open doors. With eyes filled with tears and a voice choking from allergies, the service went on. Later that day, the deceased cat was found and relocated. Screens were inserted into the foundation vents to prevent visits from any more animals. We survived and now thrive.

Your vestry worked diligently to bring in supply clergy. The Search Committee did an outstanding job. The good Lord blessed us with three strong Christians to choose from. Ultimately, the enthusiasm, energy, and sense of commitment of Catherine won. And we took a leap of faith to go with a Deacon as opposed to seasoned veterans. It has been a rewarding journey as we learn and grow together in Christ. Catherine is doing a great job. The word wonderful does not adequately describe the evening church services with candles in the windows. Ben has been a blessing with his work on the church web site and great photos.

Many from our church attended the ordination in Richmond. Bishop Johnston spoke of the relationship between a priest and congregation. Priests are not perfect and need help. Congregations must be mindful of their obligations to help the priests who help them. Again, it is an interactive journey, as we travel with the Lord, Priest and Congregation – together.

During that journey, over the past year, the belfry has been completed and the noble sounds from the ringing of the bell begin our church services. Your Junior Warden, Linda Beck has a report, attached, of other improvements made to our church and grounds. The ECW is a huge force for good all unto itself and their report follows. Our Treasurer and Stewardship Chairman, Clarence, has done an outstanding job and will provide a report.

Bishop Johnston visited, conducted services, and enjoyed our hospitality. We have had a wedding, several baptisms, and many feasts. We have celebrated together and mourned together. Sunday school embraces our youth, who actively participate in our church services. Saint Nicholas himself visited St. Peter’s and left what should be a great tradition of exchanging the commitment to pray for each other. Our music is the envy of much larger churches. Village dinners newsletters, emails of news and prayers, altar duty, flowers, acolytes, LEMs, calendars, outreach, the choir, and many other efforts continue from the tireless work of volunteers.

Please, everyone stand together. It is all of us working together, each in their own way, making this church family successful. Now give yourselves a round of applause.

Thank you all, and thank Joan Poland, who is also completing her term of three years on your vestry. It has been an honor to serve. Alexander Long IV, Senior Warden, St. Peter’s Church.