We are a small Episcopal Church on the banks of the Rappahannock in Port Royal, Virginia. We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Port Royal, the Nandtaughtacund, and we respect and honor with gratitude the land itself, the legacy of the ancestors, and the life of the Rappahannock Tribe. Our mission statement is to do God’s Will in all that we do.

Congregational Meeting – Jan 16, 2011 – Priest-in-Charge Report

Priest –in-Charge Report

The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks

St Peter’s, Port Royal, VA

January 16, 2011

2010 was a momentous year for me.  I graduated from VTS in May, and was ordained as a transitional diaconate in the Diocese of Virginia in June.  I came to St Peter’s as your Deacon-in-Charge at the beginning of August.  In December I was ordained as a priest.  I was very grateful that so many of you could attend the ordination service at St Mary’s in Goochland. 

Thank you for calling me to St Peter’s  to serve you as your Priest-in-Charge.   What a privilege it is for me to be part of growing with you into the Body of Christ that God is calling our church to become!  Ben and I appreciate all of the ways in which so many of you have helped me, given me guidance, and supported me in our first five months together as we’ve worked together to build on the already strong programs that you have in place. 

Since August, we have accomplished the following things together.

The website has a new look, and provides an easy way for people to find out what is going on in our parish. 

We began the year long celebration of our 175th anniversary, including an organ recital, an Evensong, and a sermon focused on our church’s history in the context of Virginia church history at the time of St Peter’s founding. 

We have created a nursery and continued our Sunday School and Adult Education opportunities for adults.  The midweek ecumenical Bible study continues on Wednesday.  We have added an evening book group that meets twice a month.  I met with the children once a month during the week for special activities including making bread, and making Advent wreaths. 

We have welcomed one new adult member and celebrated the baptism of two children.

In addition to our regular Sunday morning worship services, we have celebrated St Francis’ Day with a blessing of the pets, we joined with St Asaph’s in Bowling Green for a Thanksgiving service, we welcomed St Nicholas  in a celebration before our Evensong,  we had a Christmas pageant on the fourth Sunday of Advent, and we celebrated Christmas Eve together, as well as the Feast of the Epiphany on January 6th. 

Our many outreach efforts continue with donations to the Food Pantry,  donations of animal food for  those who can’t afford to feed their pets, donations of coats, and we were able to provide Christmas presents for three families this Christmas. 

We now recycle the paper we use for worship each Sunday. 

I have had the opportunity to visit with many of you in your homes, and I look forward to many more visits with you in the year ahead.

Thank you for calling me to be here to serve God among you in this place.
