We are a small Episcopal Church on the banks of the Rappahannock in Port Royal, Virginia. We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Port Royal, the Nandtaughtacund, and we respect and honor with gratitude the land itself, the legacy of the ancestors, and the life of the Rappahannock Tribe. Our mission statement is to do God’s Will in all that we do.

Christ the King, Nov. 24, 2013

  Last Sunday, November 24, 2013  (full size gallery)

This is a "summing up" Sunday. Since last advent we have encountered Christ in many forms in the lectionary. The above graphic and related links on the first three slides cover much of it. Jesus as Good Shepherd, Jesus as Human and Divine, Jesus as King/Judge, Jesus as Teacher/Rabbi, Jesus as Sacrificial Victim, Jesus as Savior /Redeemer. King Eternal, Rule of the Jews and Gentiles, King of Kings, King of the Ages, King of the Earth.

It also focuses our attention on the big ideas before we begin the story again. The Christian faith is built on the conviction that Jesus Christ has a cosmic reign. He arose from prophecy in the Old Testament as a redeeming figure.  In Jesus, the reign of God is breaking into the world as God’s agent. It does so by bring wholeness to people in communities.

The reign of Christ as King is directly tied to and the result of his humiliation and redeeming work. Because of his incarnation, ministry, suffering, death, and burial, the Father raised him from the grave and placed him at his "right hand."  Christ, as King, is largely concerned with the Christian church. He is head over all things "for the church" ( Ephesians 1:22-23), which is his body.

Christ the King Sunday is a turning point as we move to Advent and we move from Christ in the heavens to Christ on earth with the birth of Christ after Advent in Christmas. It is also a turning point as we switch from Year C with an emphasis on The Gospel of Luke to Year A to The Gospel of Matthew.

The sermon spoke to the Luke scripture and also ventured ahead into Advent. The idea was in developing the idea to "let go." After tragedies, misfortunes, losses "we can ask God, who suffers with us, to put us back together in a new way, to restore us, not to our old lives, but to bring us into new resurrection life—to re-member us.  

For advent – "And our work during Advent is to let go of the past, to get rid of the things that hold us captive…"To enter into a great spiritual quest…""Our work during Advent is to set out for a new place "  The readings for this Sunday are here.

We had two services but attendance was poor – 4 at 9am, 29 at 11am. Traveling, other events, etc. are possible reasons. The weather is another. Bill Wick reported a 29 degree temperature with the wind gusting up to 20-30 miles per hour.  It was cold, often brutal being outside.  However, the air was clear and brilliantly sunny to allow some beautiful views of the church. The sycamores are close to losing their leaves and they are everywhere being picked up today in the swirling wind.

We sang hymn 608 as an opening "Eternal Father, strong to save". This was sung at the Kennedy funeral 50 years ago this monday

Alex brought an entire box of Bible for the jail ministry, at least one Spanish.  We rejoiced that Susan Linne von Berg is over her recent sickness. 

Ken in his role as stewardship chair introduced the "thank you" system. What are we thankful for in this community ? How have we support each other ?  If you have one, drop it in the box chaped like a church in the church. He will read one a month.  He told his own story of relying on God when he did not get the job he has looking at for 8 years. Luckily, it appears he is still in the running for it. 

Next week is the beginning of Advent  with a number of study opportunities, fellowship events and a community dinner. 

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