We are a small Episcopal Church on the banks of the Rappahannock in Port Royal, Virginia. We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Port Royal, the Nandtaughtacund, and we respect and honor with gratitude the land itself, the legacy of the ancestors, and the life of the Rappahannock Tribe. Our mission statement is to do God’s Will in all that we do.

Charter Day, Blessing of the Animals, Oct. 4, 2014

 Saturday, October 4, 2014   (full size gallery)


St. Peter’s had a table this year at Charter Day and provided activities in relation to St. Francis day also on October 4 as well as selling ECW gifts.  There were definitely more vendors this year and more flow of people.    The ECW was able to sell 4 cookbooks and a mug.

Most people did not obviously have their pets. So Catherine provided "pet blessings to go" for both dogs and cats which included a St. Francis blessing,  some pet treats and information about the church. She gave out 30 dog packets and 26 cat packets, only 10 calories flavored with pumpkin and sweet potatoes to fit the season.  She did bless at least 8 dogs that were at Charter Day. 

We also provided two different cards on St. Peter’s – one with the Rappahannock River and the other with the Sea of Galillee. We were pleased that several  people asked about church and expressed an interest in visiting. It was a beneficial evangelistic activity and a way to let people know how we are involved in the community.

Catherine donated a St. Francis statue which was part of a raffle. On Saturday, $107 was brought in on the raffle which will go to the Village Harvest food ministry, a new startup at the Church. We plan to continue the raffle at Coffee Hour on Sun., Oct. 5. This was a g reat way to let people St. Francis and tradition of St. Francis and how we are blessed by creation and get God in the mix of things. 

Overall it was fun day to have parishioners stop  and say hello and be involved common activity. 

The slides above were focused around the St. Peter’s table and secondarily about the other Charter Day activities. However, we did try to get pictures of all parishioners who had a role in this successful day or just "wandered by."

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