We are a small Episcopal Church on the banks of the Rappahannock in Port Royal, Virginia. We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Port Royal, the Nandtaughtacund, and we respect and honor with gratitude the land itself, the legacy of the ancestors, and the life of the Rappahannock Tribe. Our mission statement is to do God’s Will in all that we do.

Mission and Outreach – ECW (Episcopal Church Women)

The ECW for many years had their own outreach effort through the donations it received during the year, largely funded through the Village Dinner. In 2010, it was $5,399.87 divided among Episcopal Church Women (Diocese of Va), Women and children in Crisis and National and international donations

Women and children in crisis included St. Andrew’s School in Richmond,Jackson-Field Home for Girls and. Covington Boys’ Home. National and International included Episcopal Relief and Development, Heifer Project, World Vision and closer to home C.E.R.V.E.

The funds have varied in amount since until April, 2023 since funds from the Village Dinner were used for this ministry. That ministry ended then.

Donations in 2023 were lower. The ECW account currently totaled $2280.89, and the group agreed to donate $100 to CERVE, (the Caroline Emergency Relief through Volunteer Efforts), $250 to Catherine’s Discretionary Fund, $500 to Village Harvest, and $500 to Social Services for their Christmas program. Since an anonymous member had given an additional $70, the ECW account will have $1000 after these donations are made.

They met April 9, 2024 to consider new fund raising ideas.

  • Bingo
  • Flocking: Jan explained that setting up flocks of flamingos on neighbors’ yards can be a fundraiser when the neighbors can pay not to be flocked or to have the flocks removed.
  • Andrea is planning a small yard sale on May 4 in Port Royal when Historic Port Royal is celebrating 100 years of the Port Royal school.
  • Shred-it event, June 12
  • Thanksgiving sit-down as well as grab-and-go dinner, November 13
  • Besides donations released, they have at least twice provide dinner for the House. The House is a combined ministry of the Episcopal/Lutheran churches focusing on campus, Young Adult, and Intergenerational Ministry centered around The University of March Washington and Germanna. The Rev. Ethan Lowery is the missioner who is supported and sponsored by by Trinity Episcopal, St. George’s Episcopal and Christ Lutheran.

    They have also welcomed a group of youth and children from Port Royal for lunch and games in August prior to school starting up agin in Aug, 2023.