Beginning in 2011, ECM began collecting Christmas gifts for Port Royal children. Originally, they were given the families through the Caroline County Department of Social Services. A couple of men from the group meet with the families to determine the food needs and to get a list of what the children in each family need and want as presents. After these needs have been determined, the group them plans what to buy, plans the time to purchase all the food and gifts, then collects all the food and presents for each family and delivers it just before the Holidays. They would buy the items and present them to the families.
By 2013, they had added Thanksgiving gifs.
The Pandemic ended the buying of presents by the church as well as meeting with the families. Donations were collected only and used to buy gift cards through social services.
In 2023, the ECM has collected $1,545 for Christmas and Thanksgiving. $500 went to Social Services for Thanksgiving dinners @ $50. $800 was sent in December for Christmas donations. This is the second largest donation over four years since 2020.
They have funded these donations from recommended donation levels from the ECM members. In 2023, they also added funds from an auction of 3 of Mary Peterman’s paintings.
Any extra donations would be held to the next year or provide supplies for the Food Pantry in the county. In earlu 2017, the ECM delivered canned meats to the County’s Pantry using funds left over from the 2016 thanksgiving/Christmas Fund Drive since there was a consistent shortage of canned meats in the pantry