Walk with Jesus in his suffering and share in his resurrection during Holy Week.
Maundy Thursday marks the beginning of the Triduum, the last three days of Holy Week, in which worship flows in one continuous liturgy, beginning with the Maundy Thursday service. It reaches its high point in the Easter Vigil, and closes with evening prayer on Easter Sunday.
“Time is suspended as we ponder and celebrate the great mysteries of our redemption.” The word “Maundy” is derived from Middle English, Old French and from the Latin word mandatum, meaning “commandment,” the first word of the phrase “Mandatum novum do vobis ut diligatis invicem sicut dilexi vos” (“A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another, as I have loved you”). Jesus makes this statement in the gospel reading.
Thursday, March 28 – The Arrest
Jesus instructs Peter and John to secure a large upper room in a house in Jerusalem and to prepare for the Passover meal
Preparations for the Meal – Mark 14:12-16
In the evening Jesus eats the Passover meal with the Twelve, tells them of the coming betrayal, and institutes the Lord’s Supper
The Last Supper – Mark 14:17-31
After supper Jesus washes the disciples’ feet, interacts with them, and delivers the Upper Room Discourse
Jesus foretells Peter’s denials
Jesus and the disciples go to Gethsemane, where he struggles in prayer and they struggle to stay awake late into the night
Gethsemane, the arrest – Matthew 26:47-56 Gethsemane, the arrest –
Gethsemane, the arrest –
Mark 14:32-52
Progression of Faith Blog – Thursday
Focus on Leonardo DaVinci’s Last Supper
Video Introduction to Thursday
Holy Week Timeline- Thursday
Greatest Prayer in the World
What Happened on Thursday of Holy Week ?
Progression of Faith Blog – Thursday
Gethsemane (poem) – Mary Oliver
Brothers of St. John the Evangelist – Praying Maundy Thursday