We are a small Episcopal Church on the banks of the Rappahannock in Port Royal, Virginia. We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Port Royal, the Nandtaughtacund, and we respect and honor with gratitude the land itself, the legacy of the ancestors, and the life of the Rappahannock Tribe. Our mission statement is to do God’s Will in all that we do.

July 28, 2014 Vacation Bible School – Day 1

Our theme this year is Welcome! Give and Receive Gods Great Love.Today we heard the story about Abraham and Sarah welcoming three strangers and offering them hospitality. Abraham offered the strangers a place to rest, some water, some food, and he offered to wash their feet. Sarah and Abraham fixed the three visitors a delicious meal. And then the strangers had a surprise for them! They told Abraham that Sarah was going to have a baby, although she was far too old. And so Sarah laughed and said Is anything too wonderful for God!