Above – From Left to right, top to bottom – 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2022
Please note the change of date from Wed, May 10 to Fri, May 19
Shred-it is an essential ministry because it involves a number of people around a common necessary task that is best accomplished by professionals.
Shred-it’s goal is to safely dispose of records no longer needed. It may be old Tax returns, bank statements, investment records, any expired document etc. They lie around gathering dust and may contain personal information that needs to be kept secured even if the records are no longer pertinent or useful. For obvious reasons we don’t want to put them in the regular trash or even recycling bin.
There is also the environmental benefit for having these documents shred rather than lying in some landfill. We don’t need any more paper cluttering our lives!
Shred-it is a fellowship event as well that goes beyond the church. It is a community event We get to see people who come around once a year from the community. We might ask “What’s new ? How has your life changed over the year ? Have you seen so and so from the neighborhood” and then .”Thanks for contributing to St. Peter’s ministries.” Andrea usually had food to encourage the fellowship.
It is also a time to remember those no longer part of our lives whether due to relocation, sickness, death or some other reason. It is another event that is part of the scrapbook of our lives.
It is also a fundraiser for our outreach ministries. We have netted $2,570 over the last 10 years for outreach ministries.
Finally, Shred-it is another opportunity to thank Andrea Pogue who came up with the idea and has organized it since. For all these reasons here it is a great ministry!
So I am encouraging you to check your valuable records, stuff that needs to go that you don’t want to entrust with your regular garbage or recycling services and plan to bring it to St. Peter’s on May 10 to let the professionals dispose of it securely. Publicize it to your friends!