As most of you know, during September, the Vestry had to make the hard decision to remove our old pear tree behind the parish house. This tree has amazed us through the years by continuing to stand despite a long and ominous crack, and a large hollow in the trunk. The tree had a habit of blooming at odd times of the year. The pear tree’s fruit varied from inedible for all but the yellow jackets and the groundhogs and then this year, a delicious harvest for all.
The pear tree was probably planted by the wife of Rev Ware, who served at St Peter’s from 1888 to 1918. She planted an orchard of fruit trees on the church property. This pear tree was probably the last member of her fruit tree orchard, connecting us to the faithful witness of past St Peter’s members.
Our large sycamore tree now stands as a sentinel with no branches. The branches that remained after the freak storm at the end of July did not have enough support from the tree trunk to safely remain on the tree. The sycamore tree will probably bush out in the spring with small branches and leaves. Meanwhile, it too provides a witness to our past.
Gallery of both trees