1. Choir “Let the same mind be you”
The choir performs this beautiful, unpublished piece almost every Palm Sunday. Bill Roberts wrote this for the Phillipians class at Virginia Theological Seminary a decade ago.
2. Palm Sunday Passion Reading
Jan Saylor recruited and did a fine job to direct the members of the congregation to read this extended passage
3. Palm Sunday Sermon – Rev. Catherine Hicks
From the ending – “How often we come before God in this life with the events of our lives, with all of our sins and weaknesses interwoven into a thick tapestry of our own creation, a barrier that we believe blocks our way to God forever.
“But if we remember this story of all that happened the day Jesus died, we can recall that as Jesus breathed his last, God ripped the curtain of the temple in two, and destroyed every barrier that has ever blocked our way to God. ”
Maundy Thursday
4. “When you prayed beneath the trees” – Denise Gregory, Mary Peterman
Vocal duet that is appropriate for Maundy Thursday with Jesus praying in the garden of Gethsemane combining the ‘tree’ theme found in many Scriptures about the cross.
5. “Were you there when they crucified my Lord” – Helmut linne von Berg, Larry Saylor
First male duet at St. Peter’s, acappella!
6. “O Sacred Head, Sore Wounded”- Denise Gregory, Mary Peterman
Both the arrangement and the performance of this well known melody make this memorable. Mary’s flute is ethereal.
6. Offertory-“God’s Right Hand and Holy Arm”
An ambitious piece for Easter. Kudos to Denise Gregory for her direction of this piece. The glockenspiel was purchased for this performance.
7. Sermon- Rev. Thomas Hughes
Easter is the culmination of the three key events in Christ’s life – Incarnation, Crucifixion, and Resurrection, important for this church and Christians. Resurrection which is celebrated on Easter Sunday is a state of life in which we are living now in our bodies.