22nd Sunday After Pentecost Oct. 20, 11am.
St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Port Royal, VA
We are a small Episcopal Church on the banks of the Rappahannock in Port Royal, Virginia. We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Port Royal, the Nandtaughtacund, and we respect and honor with gratitude the land itself, the legacy of the ancestors, and the life of the Rappahannock Tribe. Our mission statement is to do God’s Will in all that we do.
22nd Sunday After Pentecost Oct. 20, 11am.
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I. Theme – The call to discipleship means service and sacrifice.
Robert Hord’s Chalice
"Are you able to drink the cup that I drink?" – Mark 10:38
The lectionary readings are here or individually:
Old Testament – Isaiah 53:4-12
Psalm – Psalm 91:9-16 Page 720, BCP
Epistle – Hebrews 5:1-10
Gospel – Mark 10:35-45
Today’s readings confront us with the reality that the call to discipleship means service and sacrifice. In Isaiah, the “suffering servant” of Israel, though innocent, takes on the sin, sorrow, pain and oppression of God’s people. According to Hebrews, Jesus, the full embodiment of the “suffering servant,” identifies with humanity and offers himself as final high priest and ultimate sacrifice.
In the gospel, Jesus reverses our understanding of greatness: those who would lead must serve. One reason we are so disgusted by John and James may be that we recognize a shred of their ambition lurking within ourselves. We have probably all had the experience of launching a project with confident enthusiasm (and utter naivete). Whether it’s a food drive for the hungry, a new family budget or a vow to get shipshape organized, we plunge ahead with dreams of glory.
Like James and John, we gloss over any possible difficulties. Reality hits with a clunk. And then we appreciate the enormous difference between the apostles pre- and post-resurrection. When they rely on themselves, they are a sorry lot: self-seeking, argumentative, downright stupid. Yet Jesus can see beyond all that and can assure them of fellowship with himself. How? Perhaps he sees them as they would become, filled with the Spirit after Pentecost: transformed into courageous witnesses whose dreams of greatness had been replaced by the humble goal of serving the lord they love and others
The SALT commentary this week take us back to mid-September to understand the Gospel this week in dramatic form and where he have been.
The central question is “What do Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection really mean? This is Mark’s story about Jesus’ answer to this crucial question.”
SALT takes a long view – “Mark 8:22 – 10:52 is an important section within Mark’s Gospel”. “ It’s bookended by Jesus healing two blind men (the man at Bethsaida and Bartimaeus), and accordingly, between these healings the “story’s central theme is Jesus. attempting to “open the eyes” of his disciples with respect to his imminent death and resurrection. Three times he announces this coming trial; three times the disciples drastically misunderstand; three times Jesus responds with a corrective teaching — and this week’s reading is the third of those correctives”
Here are the three times Jesus is talking about his death and resurrection.He talks about what to reject to implement his kingdom
He rejects military conquest, social classes, spiritual class. “ What’s in the place of these three? Jesus calls his disciples to the humble, down-to-earth way of servanthood, a life of genuine greatness seeking to serve, not dominate; to descend, not ascend; and to humbly, justly, beautifully love, not arrogantly jockey for position.
In the Gospel this week, James and John asks Jesus to spend eternity sitting in seats of honor beside Jesus. Jesus won’t have that and the other disciples are angry with James and John for asking. This causes Jesus to gather the disciples together once again to talk Jesus’ suffering path and its meaning.
The last sentence is the key- “For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many”.
“This ransom is something of value given for the sake of liberating a captive — and in Mark’s Gospel, Jesus does indeed come as a healer and liberator. It’s not captivity to demonic forces; nor is it captivity to an unpayable debt owed to God. It’s the disciples’ captivity to self-centeredness, and to conventional notions of power, prestige, and supposed greatness.”
From the Episcopal Cafe
Mark 10:35-45
"We are two-thirds of the way through Mark’s gospel, and James and John have gotten the message…well, they’ve gotten part of the message, anyway. They have seen the miracles. They have travelled with Jesus and heard him preach the new covenant. And that’s where they get lost. They have seen Jesus in the glory of the Transfiguration. They have come to believe he truly is the Messiah. And they think they deserve a share of his glory. They want the best seats in the house of the Lord… and they’re not shy about asking for them.
"Jesus listens. He sees how far they have come and how far they have yet to go. He knows it’s time to take them to the next level. And it’s not the level they were planning on. They are angling for positions of prestige and power. Jesus is committed to a life of selfless love and sacrificial service.
"Patiently, he explains to them: You don’t understand what you are asking for. Jesus knows the suffering that awaits him. He asks if James and John are ready to share his fate… if they are prepared to drink of the cup that I drink of. In posing the question this way, Jesus is being very forthright with them. This was a common metaphor of the day, used to warn of great peril. But in their enthusiasm and ambition, James and John are blind to the danger. Jesus, knowing the martyrdom waiting for them all, cautions that they will share his fate. And ever in obedience to the will of the Father, he tells them that the honors they seek are not his to give.
"Overhearing this talk of honors and rewards, the other apostles want to get in on the action. They start to grumble that James and John are getting too big for their britches. Then Jesus shuts down the whole brouhaha, telling them that they’ve got it all wrong. The disciples accept Jesus as the Messiah, but they still don’t have a clue about what that really means. Jesus wants to take them up to the next level, to have them fully understand what it means to follow him. He tells them that to be a Christian means to serve, not to lord it over people. It did then and it does now.
From “VCS the Visual Commentary on Scripture – The One Who Dwells
“Psalm 91 is among the most frequently cited passages of Scripture in the Jewish and Christian traditions. It features frequently in liturgies, sacred music, and devotional writings. Visual artists throughout history have responded to its vivid metaphorical language. But the psalm also appears in other, often surprising places: etched into pendants, printed on camouflage bandanas to wear into military combat, and, during the Covid-19 pandemic, emblazoned on masks. Satan himself quotes the psalm when he tempts Christ in the wilderness (Matthew 4:5; Luke 4:9–11). These various uses suggest the enduring attraction of the psalm’s expansive promises of protection.