Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost Sunday Nov. 10, 11am.
St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Port Royal, VA
We are a small Episcopal Church on the banks of the Rappahannock in Port Royal, Virginia. We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Port Royal, the Nandtaughtacund, and we respect and honor with gratitude the land itself, the legacy of the ancestors, and the life of the Rappahannock Tribe. Our mission statement is to do God’s Will in all that we do.
Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost Sunday Nov. 10, 11am.
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I. Theme – Offering all to God in faith
The Widow’s Mite – Daniel Bonnell
"He sat down opposite the treasury, and watched the crowd putting money into the treasury. Many rich people put in large sums. A poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which are worth a penny. Then he called his disciples and said to them, ‘Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury. For all of them have contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.’" – Mark 12:38-44
The lectionary readings are here or individually:
Old Testament – 1 Kings 17:8-16
Psalm – Psalm 146
Epistle – Hebrews 9:24-28
Gospel – Mark 12:38-44
Today’s readings challenge us to offer everything to God and to celebrate the fact that God similarly offers everything to us. All of these passages today remind us that we are called to step out in faith. This is not easy, but in order to see the greater picture, in order to understand more deeply the fullness of new life offered in Christ, we have to take the leap of faith and to trust God
This week’s lectionary readings deal with some of the most important energies of life- – the energy of romance, conception, and sexuality; the energy of money and its proper use; the energetic quest for God in a difficult time; and the energetic field of force created by Christ, the high priest of wholeness.
In the story of Elijah and the widow, from 1 Kings , God honors the sacrifice and faith of the woman with abundant oil and flour. The author of Hebrews assures us that Christ not only came to remove sin, but now, in God’s presence, intercedes on our behalf. In today’s gospel, Jesus praises the generous devotion of a homeless, penniless woman.
The Kings reading and the Gospel both examine widows. The poor widow in the Gospel only serves as an example of the Kingdom of Heaven contrasting the behavior of the Scribes (“who devour widow’s houses). Her giving is similar to that of the widow of Zarephath in that she gives all that she has. This time, however, she gives out of her own faith, a sign to Jesus of her salvation.
By David Lose, President of Luther Seminary
“How do you hear Jesus’ description of the poor widow’s offering – is it praise or lament? “
Lose comes down on the latter- initially:
“All of this leads me to conclude that Jesus isn’t actually lifting her up as an example but rather decrying the circumstances that demand her to make such an offering, a sacrifice that will likely lead to destitution if not death. He is, in short, leveling a devastating critique against Temple practice and those who allow, let alone encourage, this woman to give “all she had to live on” (or, in a more literal translation of the Greek, her whole life!).
But then Lose goes in a different direction – “How does this capture, or at least relate to, the good news Jesus both brings and embodies?
“God also sees our struggles, recognizes our challenges, cares about where we are hard pressed to make ends meet.
“But even more, I think God is inviting us to look around and see each other, those in our community we know and those we don’t. And I mean really see each other – the pain of those who are discriminated against because of their ethnicity, the desolation of those who cannot find work and have been abandoned to fend for themselves, the despair of those who have given up on finding work and have lost hope, the anguish of those who have been exploited by sex traffickers. God is inviting us to see them, to care for them, and to advocate for a system that does not leave anyone behind.
“Which means, Dear Partner, that we might send our people out this week not only aware that God sees their struggles and cares, but also that God believes in them enough to use them to make a difference. We might send them out, that is, looking for where God is already at work and join God’s efforts to see those in distress, help them find comfort and relief, and work for a more just world.”
“Mark 12:38-44 is not merely a condemnation of hoity-toity scribes and praise of a generous widow. In this passage of Mark’s Gospel, Jesus condemns a Temple system built to benefit the powerful and prey on the most vulnerable. The scribes of ancient Israel were educated officials, relied on to handle the community’s legal, financial and political issues. Eventually, they gained so much status and power that they became the interpreters of God’s Law. The “best seat” in the synagogue to which Jesus refers in Mark 12:39 is the position of authoritative interpretation. But the power to say, “This is what God’s law means. This is how God’s law is to be practiced,” is also the power to promote personal agendas and build political, economic, and religious systems that most benefit those sitting in the “best seats.”
“The widow in Mark 12:41-44 is pressed to contribute to the Temple treasury by a religious system that convinces her it is faithful to give “all that she had, all she had to live on” (12:44). The poor were encouraged to support the Temple (and the scribes seated within it) to the point of exhausting their resources, devouring even the meager inheritances they hoped to pass to their children. Jesus condemns this system and those who support it, saying it “devours widows’ houses” (v. 40).
“In The Word before the Powers, Charles L. Campbell writes about the act of preaching as a critical practice of nonviolent resistance, one that not only links the biblical text to today’s moral and ethical challenges but also shapes the life and practices of church communities. Campbell tells the story of André Trocmé, the pastor of the Reformed congregation in Le Chambon-sur-Lignon, the small village in southern France that effectively sheltered over 5,000 Jews during World War II. As Campbell tells it, on the Sunday after France surrendered to Nazi Germany, Trocmé stepped into his church’s pulpit to proclaim: “The responsibility of Christians is to resist the violence that will be brought to bear on their consciences through the weapons of the spirit.” Through the “best seat” of authoritative interpretation to which he had been called, Trocmé preached, week after week, of Jesus’ nonviolent resistance against oppressive political powers and his care for the most vulnerable, keeping this vision alive during a politically treacherous time.
“ From our “best seats” we should remind the church of Jesus Christ that change begins with us, how we treat each other, how we work together to solve complex problems, how we treat the widow, the stranger, the orphan—the most vulnerable. Jesus, in teaching his small band of twelve disciples, started a groundswell of love and care for all God’s people — and particularly those oppressed by unjust systems.
“Yes, we have work to do. We also have a teacher we can trust and a path that leads to our own and others’ liberating salvation.”
A Song relevant to the “Widow’s Mite” this Sunday. It is a social justice rallying song to help us embody Jesus’s solidarity with the poor and the vulnerable.